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(This is the same match up from Back to December only before they broke up. Hehe, I might as well start a Taylor Swift saga or somethin')

(I couldn't think of a title I'm sorry)

You pulled your hair back into a loose bun, your eyes floating over the recipe. Greg wasn't to be home for a while, so you had plenty of time to create your masterpiece. You pulled out your ingredients, the flat was silent except for the sound of your rummaging through the cabinets. You looked around, finding the silence rather dull. You pulled your phone out of your bra (cmon ladies when im busy im not the only one who does this) and scrolled through your music and finally decided on a song. The upbeat opening caused you to sway your hips slightly, humming along.

"I can move mountains, I can work a miracle, work a miracle." You sung along, not really keeping your voice down for you knew you were alone. You carefully cut the vegetables, yet your hips and feet were moving along with the music. You sat your knife down and twirled, picking up the board and dumping it in the pot as the music rang on. "Keep you like an oath, may nothin' but death do us part." You turned up the heat before going back to your recipe. Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around your waist, you turned to face your husband. "Having fun?" Greg mused. You nodded. You grabbed Greg's hand and made him twirl you. "Keep you like an oath." You sung along, Greg chuckled. He clearly didn't know the words but moved in rhythm with your dancing. The song soon came to an end, but that didn't stop you as the next one played. You smiled fondly as Taylor Swift's old country style rang throughout the small room. "Greg. Please tell me you remember where this song is from. You bit your lip as you watched him listen carefully. "Indeed I do." He twirled you and pulled you into his arms as the lyrics poured from your speaker.

'There's somethin' bout the way the street looks when it's just rain, there's a glow off the pavement.'

He pulled you closer to him, you couldn't help but smile. His scent of fading cologone and coffee hit you, allowing yourself to be enveloped by him. "You know I hate Taylor Swift." He remarked, the two of you swayed along with the music. "You walk me to the car and I wanna ask you to dance right there in the middle of the parking lot." You sung along and he chuckled, "With the exception of this song." You grinned, "What makes you so sure?" He looked down at you as you laid your head on his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat help you relax. "Because this song was playing when we first me. I was waiting tables and you were my first customer of the day." You smiled.  Soon silence over came both of you, but it was a nice  silence.

Then the beeping started.

Both of your heads snapped up, the pot on the stove was billowing smoke. "Damn it!" You exclaimed, grabbing a rag. Greg broke out into laughter, you whacked him with the rag, "Open the windows."

"Yes Ma'am." He saluted and did as you said. You rolled your eyes as you dumped the pot in the sink. You fanned the alarm, soon the beeping came to an end. Greg looked very amused at the situation, "Well there goes dinner." You remarked. "Take out?" He offered.

"This is what happens when you distract me." You pouted. He shrugged, looking very proud of himself. "I'll let you have the remote?"

"Fine." You grumbled, arms crossed.

He smirked and wrapped his arm around your waist and placed a kiss on the top of your head and pushed you towards the lounge. Greg sat down on the chair, even though there was a perfectly open couch next to the chair you still chose to sling your body over the arm of the chair, sitting on Greg's lap with your legs hanging over the opposite arm. You snatched the remote from his hands, a smirk upon your lips as you did so.

It wasn't a perfect life, but you had Greg, what more could you ask for?


Sorry guys I couldn't think of a better title and that this didn't follow much of a plot. I couldn't really think of a good way to continue it but I didn't want to get rid of it sooooooooooo yeah.


my cover contest ends in a few hours guys! I may make an extension if some of you need one

I don wanna go to school but I have to. My guy friends lost a bet and now I get to paint their nails so i'm somewhat excited

love y'all

bye bye for now

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