Begin Again

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Type: Songfic


Warnings: Mentions of a verbal abusive relationship

Take a deep breath in the mirror, he didn't like it when I wore high heels but I do

You bit your lip nervously as you adjusted your hair as you looked in the reflection of your phone, you were going on your first date since you'd broken up with your last boyfriend. Your ex's words echoed in your mind, too much make up, hair not parted just right. You slid your phone back into your purse, your knee shaking slightly. You smoothed the fabric of your (favorite color) top. Slipping in your ear buds as you watched city of London fly by. You leaned back and closed your eyes briefly, trying to bring yourself to relax. You bit your lip slightly, a harsh laugh attempting to escape your lips as White Horse by Taylor Swift played, the same song that helped you comfort yourself through your breakup.

Turned the lock and put my head phones on He said he never got this song, but I do

His voice plagued your mind as the cab came to a slow stop, you had lost track of time as the café sat right outside the car door. You'd taken the day off, funny how you were eating at the same café you worked at. You stared at it, fear creeping into your mind. What if he didn't like you? What if he thought you were annoying? What if he hated everything about you? You nibbled your thumb nail, the cab driver turned around, his brown eyes meeting yours. "You gettin' out miss?" He brushed whisps of graying dark hair from his face. "Y-yes." You answered, more for yourself then him. You placed your hand firmly on the handle, taking one more breath. This was going to be different, this was a fresh start. You popped the handle and opened the door, stepping into the not so fresh London air. Leaving the burden of your ex's abusive love in the cab.

Walked in expecting you'd be late but you got here early stand here and wait and I walk to you

You stepped towards the café, opening the door. You walked towards an open table, expecting to wait for what seemed like eternity for your date to arrive. You pulled your purse off your shoulder and started to sit when you heard someone call your name.

"Y/N!" You turned and found Greg a few tables down, you felt a small smile tug at your lips as you walked towards him. He was standing next to the table, his phone in hand. You watched, surprise freezing you as he pulled out the chair for you. You stared at him for a moment before snapping back to reality, "Thanks." You mumbled. Your ex would always fuss at you for always taking forever and go back to playing on his phone, which your later found was texting other girls. You cringed slightly at the memory. You mentally slapped yourself for remembering him again. Greg sat dow.

You pulled out my chair and helped me in, you don't know how nice that is but I do

Focus on Greg.

You studied the officer in front of you, you couldn't help but be attracted with his salt and pepper hair and dark eyes. You smiled softly,  "I didn't think you would actually show up." He remarked, you couldn't tell whether he was joking or not at first. At least you didn't until you saw a sly smirk appear on his face, "Well I was tempted not to, but I never turn down free food."

"What makes you think I'm paying?"

You felt a warm blush spread throughout your cheeks. "I uh-"

Inwardly you were screaming. 'fuck. fuck. fuck. shit.'

"I'm kidding." He smirked and leaned forward, "I have some chilvary. Not a lot, but it's still there."

You smiled, "You gonna carry me off into the sunset in your shining armor?"

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