Deducing the Deducer

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You stepped onto the crime scene, the cool early morning breeze blowing your h/c locks as you laid eyes on a familiar face. "Mycroft." You greeted with a warm smile.

He returned with somewhat of a smile offering you some protection from the morning rain with his umbrella, "Ah Agent L/N, nice to see you again. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances."

"Awe, I like meeting over international killers." You smirked as you gratefully accepted. "And for the last time, call me Y/N."

Mycroft rolled his eyes, but you could tell he was faintly amused. "So let me get this straight, your brother claims that my FBI agents were responsible for the murder of two of her majesty's royal army officers?" You raised an eyebrow as the two of you walked over to the corpse.

"I'm afraid so. He insisted I have you fly out here..."  Mycroft turned towards his brother who was already hunched over the body, dripping wet. "Sherlock. This is Agent L/N from the Federal Bureua of Investigations. Agent L/N, this is my younger brother Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson."

Sherlock stood, you extended your hand, he just stared at you for a moment. A shorter man stood that was standing next to him cleared his throat and shook your hand instead. "Dr. John Watson."

"Agent Y/N L/N." You greeted, your eyes floated over him for a moment. "Afghanistan or Iraq?"


"Afghanistan or Iraq?" You repeated, "You're obviously a military doctor no doubt, which war?"

"Afghanistan. " He answered, looking surprised at the question. You seemed to peek the interest of the detective.

"So Mr. Holmes, I don't appreciate people accusing my agents of murder without giving me some kind of proof. Care to explain?" You crossed your arms.

"I'm afraid my deductions would insult your intelligence."

-------- Sherlock's POV ----------------

The Detective suddenly felt the need to impress this woman, he'd never met her before, but something about her made him feel as though he had to show off. She seemed to be amused at the statement. "Insult my intelligence? How's this for a deductions, Mr. Holmes." She stepped forward, leaving the protection of Mycroft's umbrella. "Your a smoker, no doubt about that. From the nicotine patches on your arm or perhaps the faint smell of smoke that lingers on that trench coat of yours, you obviously don't eat much. You more bone than anything else, most likely from being so focused on solving one of your cases. Past drug addict..." she circled him as she spoke, back infront of him as she finished. Her h/c locks were plastered to her forehead as well her shirt from the heavy rain. "Amazing." John mumbled, Sherlock casted him a glare before looking back at you. "Mycroft could of easily told you that no doubt."

"Really? Well Mr. Holmes, you don't seem like much so far. Well apart, from dangerously sharp cheekbones."

"Agent L/N lives alone with your dog, so far unable to keep a boyfriend, obessed with YouTube, not very sociable, you've developed a drinking problem, currently in a fight with your parents....."

------ Third Person POV -----

"Should we get involved?" John whispered to Mycroft as the two went at it, Sherlock and L/N went from deducing each other to random strangers on street.

"She's obviously highly wealthy due to various marriages, but is currently a widow due to the indention from a removed ring in her finger-"

"She's actually having an affair you can clearly tell because-"

After offending two officers, three women, four men, and scaring the crap out of two kids, Lestrade finally stepped in and pushed the agent and detective apart.

"Would the both of you just shut up?!" The inspector glared.

------ Back to your POV -----

You felt yourself enjoying the battle of deductions and you could tell the detective was two. Greg finally broke the two of you apart, you felt your jeans now clinging to your legs, as well as the badge you hooked onto them pressing into your skin. You looked at the detective, noticing how beautiful his blue eyes truly were, aswell how easy it was to get lost in them. You smirked, "Breakfast?"

Sherlock cocked his head, looking confused.

"C'mon, I'll buy." You nodded your head towards a conveniently located restaurant nearby. The detective looked stunned. "Is the great Sherlock Holmes finally speechless?"

"It's a miracle." Lestrade muttered.

You linked arms with Sherlock, not really giving him a choice.

"What about the body?!" Lestrade called after the two of you.

"It's a fake." You shouted back, leaving a very confused group of people.

To this day you still aren't sure, but you could of sworn you saw Sherlock Holmes smile.



I've been sick all day so I thought hey maybe I could write something.


I was home sick and alone and I had finally gotten Netflix back, so I decided to catch up. I spet over two hours yelling curses at the screen, laughing, and crying. Dear lord.

Anywho, love y'all. I had a school trip thing over the weekend so I couldn't write. But next weekend there should be at least two uploaded.

Bye for now!

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