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Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Warnings: none

Requested by: -gladbury
You popped a piece of popcorn in your mouth as you twirled into the living room. You sat it on the coffee table, along with two cups of your homemade hot chocolate. You had pushed the table to the side of the room and laid the mat carefully in the middle.
"Sherlock!" You called, rather proud of the little arrangement.

"Yes?" Your boyfriend's voice echoed throughout the flat.

"Come out here!"

After what seemed like forever, he finally emerged from the kitchen, raising an eyebrow. "What is this?"

"Twister." You answered, crossing your arms smirking.

"I've never heard of this game."

"I have an app" You gestured to your phone. "It's gonna do the calling out for us since there is only of us. Basically it's gonna call out directions, for example left hand red, You'd put your left hand on the red dot." Sherlock eyed the matt before looking back at you, "That's all?"

"You have to keep your hand there until it tells you to move it, whoever falls first loses."

"It seems simple." He remarked almost boredly,you smirked. "Wait till you play it. Winner picks what movie we watch."

"Y/N you interrupted my experiment for this?"

"Are you turning down a challenge?" You grinned, looking up at him. You stuck out your lip "Please?"

Sherlock's eyes widened. "Don't do it."

You did the best puppy dog eyes you could muster, Sherlock groaned. "Fine."

"Yay!" You hopped up and kissed him on the cheek, causing his cheeks to pink slightly. A small smile on his lips as you dragged him over to the matt.


"Right foot blue." The phone called out, you were currently in the crab walk like position, Sherlock was standing over you, a hand on a yellow dot and the other on a red, you were under him. The fact that he had his legs twisted made him shake slightly.

Right hand blue. The automated voice called.

He only had to move himself slightly, having a long limbed boyfriend allowed you to twist yourself over to place your hand on blue.

Left foot blue

With great difficulty you manager to twist yourself to where you were now on all fours, Sherlock on top of you.

(Don't you dare you dirty minded people)

Left hand red

That's when your butt bumped into Sherlock.

"Y/N stop distracting me!"

"It wasn't my fault that you're in the way."

The phone continued to call out instructions and two of you kept at it, eventually ending up with Sherlock on all fours, his butt right in your face.

"Don't mind me, enjoying the view." And that's when Sherlock's arms collapsed, letting him chin dive into the floor. You cheered and did a little victory dance. "I won!"

Sherlock marched over to the couch and crossed his arm, clearly unhappy with his defeat. You smirked and sat next to him, the bowl of popcorn in your arms. "May I suggest {favorite movie}?"

Sherlock didn't answer and you rolled your eyes. "You can't ignore me forever." You placed your chin on his shoulder. "Shhhhhheeeeerellllly." You called and waved your hand infront of his face as he started ahead. "Fine, be a sore loser." You settled into the catch and tossed a piece of popcorn in your mouth as the movie began. Sherlock stayed like that for the first few scenes until he finally leaned back, you wrapped his arm around you and laid your head on his chest. He tried to stay mad but failed as you watched the movie rage on. "It's so beautiful." You murmured jokingly before turning your attention fully on the screen. "It is." Sherlock said, barely audible.

Little did you know he was looking at you.


Sorry this took so long, I've been procrastinating some more. Anywho, requests are always open, love y'all

Bye bye for now 👋

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