Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Warnings: none

Requested by: xalltimetrashx

You let out a long, dragged out dramatic sigh of boredom as you watched the three.

Sherlock was staring at three pictures pinned into the wall, his suit jacket hanging on the back of his chair, John was looking up god knows what on his laptop, and Greg was sorting evidence, his hair ruffled and tie and jacket along with Sherlock's jacket. You could practically taste the stress.


And what were you doing?

You were slumped over on the kitchen table in the bare section, pure boredom had engulfed you.  You looked over at Mary who was currently reading, she didn't seem too excited.

No talking.

No moving.

A silent, boring flat on baker street.

You pushed yourself up opened the fridge, grabbing a series of beers before walking back into the living area, walking by each person and giving them an alcoholic beverage. "Alright, so I don't die of boredom, we're gonna play a game."

Mary sat down her book, raising an eyebrow, Greg looked grateful to be doing anything but staring at blood covered finger nail clippings, and John sat down his laptop.

"Y/N I'm on a case." Sherlock didn't even bother to look at you.

You rolled your eyes before stepping infront of him and blocking his view.

"You're in the way." He stated simply.


"Could you not be?"

"I like standing here."

"But you're in my way."

"You're in the way of my fun."

"This is fun."

"Yes because it's fun staring at dried tiny blood droplets on a wall." You remarked dryly, You and Sherlock just stared at each other for a moment. He rolled his eyes before giving in, "Fine."

"YES!" You pumped the air with your fist before grabbing his wrist and dragging him over on to the couch with you, Lestrade planted himself next to you. Mary sat in John's lap, and you gathered around the coffee table, you downed the rest of your beer within one swing, Greg raised an eyebrow.

"Very Ladylike."

"I try." You retorted, "Now." You grabbed a nearby whiskey bottle you left because you were too lazy to throw it away earlier and placed it in the center of the table. "Now who wants to go first?" No one seemed eager to volunteer, Sherlock raised an eyebrow. "What is this game?"

"Seven Minutes in Heaven. Spin bottle. you get locked in a closet with someone for seven minutes."


"That parts up to you." You wiggled your eyebrows causing Lestrade and John to chuckle, or perhaps it was from Sherlock's cluelessness. "You know how it works Sherlock." You smirked.

The detective's cheeks turned a bright pink, everyone looked at you. "Ooooo I'm sensing a story." Mary smirked.

"Once Upon a Time, as you know, me and Sherlock went to highschool together, and well there was a party.........." You began, smirking as you looked at Sherlock.

The detective looked even more embarrassed and Greg and John both appeared to become more and more interested. "Me and Sherlock played this game and well, I kinda forced him to play it... Anyway we were both put in a closet and he went to kiss me and tripped, he ended up knocking like three books over and they landed on my head. If he wasn't so damn tall he probably wouldn't of been able to reach them. Long story short, a lot of Ice and a lot of laughs."

The others chuckled as Sherlock looked as if he wanted to die right there. You gave Sherlock a friendly nudge, "awe I still love ya. It was a highlight of our friendship." You smiled at the memory, "Alright. I'm gonna spin." You reached and twirled the bottle.

You nibbled your lip nervously as you watched the bottle spin, butterflies fired up in your stomach as you watch it point at the detective. His cheeks pinked as he cleared his throat,

"Lestrade you probably need that case solved..." He tugged at his collar slightly, Greg shook his head. "It can wait." He smirked.

He was your best friend.... And someone you'd been crushing on since you laid eyes on those dangerously sharp cheekbones. "Wait here." You stood and walked towards the small closet next to your room which had been John's before he moved in with Mary. Well it wasn't really yours, you often spent so long helping him with cases you just crashed here. You had clothes, a toothbrush, you practically lived in 221b. You came back to everyone, sitting the stack of books that Sherlock had been keeping in there on the table. Mary couldn't help but start giggling and the poor sociopath looked like he was going to die with embarrassment. You grabbed Sherlock's wrist and pulled him up.

"I have an ambulance on speed dial." Lestrade smirked at the two of you, finding it rather hilarious. Mary rolled her eyes, "we don't need one." Sherlock looked somewhat grateful, at least he did until Mary patted John's knee. "That's what he's for."

You shook your head smiling as you pulled Sherlock towards the closet, closing the door behind you. You cleared your throat, not really thinking this through as you found yourself looking anywhere but at him. You fumbled for your phone out of your back pocket, "and he said let there be light...." You pressed the flashlight button, small light filling the space. "And there was light." You dared to meet his eyes, he nervously ran a hand through his hair. You bit your lip nervously, "you know we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.....

You were cut off by Sherlock's lips on yours, it was a soft, gentle kiss. You felt him snake his long arms around your waist,you were momentarily stunned before you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your phone clattered to the floor, you felt as if the entire world had stopped. Never wanting the moment to end, he was soon pressed against the door, the kiss getting more heated.

Suddenly bright light cut through the small space as the door opened, Sherlock fell, you landing on his chest as you followed in pursuit. You both found yourselves looking up at the other three. Lestrade with his phone aimed at you, "Smile."

"Cheese!" You flashed a smile, Sherlock looking utterly mortified.

"So are the two of you a thing?" John asked, smirking.

You looked down at Sherlock who didn't seem to protest, "I think so." You smiled warmly, placing a kiss on his forehead. Mary gave a little clap, turning towards John. "You owe me 10 pounds!" She smirked as the three turned back towards the living space.

"Y/N." Sherlock asked, a smile upon his lips.


"Will you uh, be my girlfriend?"


Sherlock's eyes widened, his smile immediately gone. "You just told Mary-!"

"I'm kidding, idiot." You smirked, "but now your my idiot."

The genius looked relieved, his eyes met yours.



"Could you please get off of me?"


OMG ok so I was looking at my demographics and people in Germany and Finland and WOW. I mean don't get me wrong I love my fellow Americans.


So I'll post some over the weekend then disappear till hopefully next weekend.

Bye bye 👋

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