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Type: Drabble/idk I just kinda wrote it

Pairing: Mary & Reader

Warnings: none

"If one more person touches my stomach they'll lose a hand." Mary muttered, you chuckled as the two of you navigated your way through the baby store, looking at baby clothes and such. You were a couple weeks behind Mary in your pregnancy, and you were both ready for it to be over.

"I know how you feel." You murmured, wrinkling your nose at the pink Lacey things. You both wanted to be surprised at the sex of your unborn children, but you'd already planned it out.

If they were both girls, they'd be besties.

If they were both boys, they'd be best friends.

If they were opposite sexes, they would fall in love.


You both were looking, buying basics such as bottles and things you'd need whether it was a boy or girl. "So how's Sherlock?" She asked, her fingertips gliding over the different the different items of clothing. "He's Sherlock." You shrugged, "somethin new everyday. John seems well, he's over at our place everyday it seems." You chuckled slightly and Mary nodded, "True. But think of it this way love, you and I have had more time to spend together since our weddings have we not?"

"Fair point." You picked up a little t shirt that said Daddy's little girl. "I love these." You smiled softly, "I pray your child turns out more like you. I don't think Lestrade and Mycroft could handle another Sherlock." Mary chuckled.

"I think Mycroft would pass out from them both." You smiled, looking through a set of bottles.

"I don't think I could handle two Sherlocks." Mary remarked, all the pokes at your husband were good hearted and you knew Mary loved Sherlock no matter how much she poked at him, she was like his big sister. Unlike most of John's girlfriends, she didn't see Sherlock as a burden. She didn't think he was just someone who kept John away from them, she understood how close the pair was.

The two of you progressed through the shop, another woman walked over to Mary, giving the blonde another chipper "congratulations!" And touching her stomach.

You smirked, Mary looked read to commit a bloody murder. She made a face at you, a hand flew over your mouth as you tried to contain your giggles, the woman looked back up at Mary and the blonde faked the biggest smile you'd ever seen. "Thank you!" She smiled and turned away, you quickly fall owed before she ran someone over with the cart. "ready to go get lunch?" You offered.

"Yes please." And with that you both checked out and exited the shop, cracking jokes and mocking the hyper women inside.


Idk what this is really I just kinda wrote it and didn't wanna get rid of it sooooooooo yeah.

Today is the end of the writing contest! Please send in your submissions by 5:00pm eastern time.

Me and drayizzle are Wattpad married. We write together and share an account. We' read imagine as our vows.

That's all for now

Love y'all

Bye bye for now

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