Red Head Assasin

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You excitedly fixed your hair in the mirror, it'd been freshly dyed red (if your already a red head then well, ignore that) You adjusted the catsuit in the mirror, happy with your cosplay. It was perfect, you grabbed your bag, ready to head out to the beautiful yet strange event known a comic con. You walked out of your room, passing the kitchen, Sherlock was once again oblivious as you passed. John was sitting in his chair, sorting through evidence. "I don't remember seeing a redhead going in your room." He remarked, you rolled your eyes. Sherlock looked up from his microscope, raising an eyebrow. He seemed taken off guard, you looked down at your outfit. Your costume was skin tight, very different from what you usually wore. The costume came to where you didn't have to wear a bra, so most of your boobs were exposed. His eyes traveled down slightly and met yours again almost instantly. You gave a little twirl for your boyfriend.

"What do you think? Do you think I could be the next Scarlet Johansson?" You placed a hand on your hip. "Is it Halloween?" Sherlock questioned, picking up his phone as if checking the date. "No, it's comic con." You fought the urge to hop up and down like a small child on Christmas morning. "What?" The detective looked beyond confused. "Comic Con?" He seemed to be scanning his mind for any recollection of what you were talking about. "it's where a bunch of people dress up and go hang out with other people with similar interests." You beamed, "I'm the Black Widow!" You flipped your red locks over your shoulder. The costume gave you a new confidence you couldn't ignore, even with the knowledge Scarlett Johansson was the spitting image of perfection, you found yourself a close second. Well, maybe for a cosplay.

"The Black Widow? But your not a spider." Bewildered, your boyfriend stood. "It's her superhero name." You rolled your eyes. "Remember the movie I made you sit through at least five times, the one with The god trying to take over the earth so a couple of spies, his brother, a billionare, a really big green creature in purple pants and a really, REALLY hot guy in red white and blue spandex...." You trailed off, noticing Sherlock's expression change. "Annnnnnnnnnyyyyyyywayyyyyyyyyyy..." You walked into the living room and patted the seat next to you. He stood and walked over to sit down next to you.

"Why would people dress up in such ridiculous-" He started before noticing the look you gave him, "-lovely costumes?" He finished.

"It's just being part of a fandom I guess." You shrugged.

"A what?" Sherlock cocked his head slightly.

"Please tell me you know what a fandom is." You looked at your boyfriend. He shook his head.

"Alright. A fandom is a group of people who are fans of something." You answered.

(ignore this if your a lucky red head) "So you dyed your hair and put on a revealing costume for which character?"

"The Black Widow?"

You reached into your boot and pulled out your phone and pulled up a picture of the beautiful Scarlett Johansson.

"Well your costume is pretty close

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"Well your costume is pretty close." he commented. "You could come with if you want. Don't ask why but I have a loki costume...." You smirked.

"No Thank You."

"i tried." You shrugged and stood, suddenly feeling a hand on your ass. You whirled around.

Sherlock looked smug as you asked.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes did you just grab my ass?"


"I'm going to kill you."

"No you won't."


"Because you love me."


Sorry if Sherlock gets ooc but I had the idea for that last bit and I couldn't not use it.

I wasn't gonna post this till tomorrow butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt........................




 Head over to @firstnameisdrayizzle to read it!

It won't let me tag it cause wattpad is being a butt and not letting you follow people or see the number of followers

bye bye for now

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