Nightmare on Baker Street (Alive Part 2)

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You held the phone close to your ear.

"Please no." The words escaped your lips in a broken whisper. You watched as he moved ever so slightly, each movement was a step closer to death. "Don't leave me. Please." Hot tears streamed down your cheeks. John watched with wide eyes, you could tell he was ready to sprint up the stairs. "Sherlock please, am I not enough to keep you here? We'll work through this fraud thing. We'll get through it, together."

"I'm sorry (Your name)." He said softly before tossing the phone aside.

"SHERLOCK!" John's voice rang through the cold air as he ran ahead, a biker soon ramming into him. You wanted to help him. You wanted to scream. You wanted to be able to move, but alas you were frozen in place as you watched your lover freefall from the top of St Barts. "No." You whispered. "No." this time it was a bit louder as you sprinted ahead, hoping that he could pull one more miracle. John had beaten you there as a crowd gathered around what was left of Sherlock Holmes. You pushed through the crowd. A man reached out to stop you and you grabbed his arm, slamming him into the next stranger. You kneeled down beside the body, watching as the blood seeped onto the street. You kneeled down beside him, wanting to touch, confirm that this was actually happening. "Why?" You whispered. Tears streaming faster, soon you were pulled away. You looked up to find John in front of you, he looked to be in equal distress. The two of you met each other's gaze before you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him. You cried into your friend's shoulder,he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You could hear what seemed to be the soft cries of the army doctor. He was dead.

Sherlock Holmes was dead.

Suddenly the scene shifted and you were standing in front of your bathroom mirror. Blood streaming down your wrists, the razor blade casted aside. You stared at the pills in the cabinet. One handful and it would be over.

Just like everyone else, Sherlock had left you. "(Your Name)?" You heard as John walked inside. Dammit he was early! Or were you late? You couldn't bring yourself to think about it. This was all it would take. John knocked outside your bathroom door. You'd sent him a simple text about a body he would find. Little did he know you intended for it to be yours. Suddenly the crimson in the sink swirled and you were staring at Sherlock's corpse again. The scene flickered and you were staring at your wrists then Sherlock's corpse again. This continued and you begged for it to stop. It flashed and flashed then-

"(YOUR NAME)!" Sherlock's voice caused your eyes to fly open, you in 221b. You looked around, turning to find Sherlock on your other side, his eyes filled with concern. "You were yelling and thrashing about. What were you possibly dreaming abou-" He stopped when he saw the fear in your eyes. You wiped the cold sweat that had formed on your forehead. You carefully untangled your legs in from the covers and brought them up to your chest. "(Your name)?" Sherlock said, a bit softer this time. He scooted closer to you, you bit your lip. He was here. He was alive. Why was it so hard for you to speak about?

"I saw you fall." It came out so quietly you weren't sure if he heard it. Based on the look of guilt that came over his face, you knew he'd caught it. You wiped a tear that had formed away, "I'm sorry." You said softly. Sherlock continued to stay silent and you looked away. Suddenly an arm was around your waist. You leaned into him, placing your head on his chest. Letting the sound of his heartbeat drive away the thoughts that now clouded your mind. He was alive. He was breathing. His heart was beating. He buried his face in your hair, "I'm here now." He whispered. "I know." You responded, getting as close to him as you could. He held you tightly, as if he let go you would be the one to disappear.

"Promise me you won't ever do anything like that again." You looked up at him, meeting his blue eyes. "I promise." He said softly. He ran a hand through your hair. You raised an eyebrow, after a short period of silence you looked up at him again.



"Did you just recreate a cuddling position from the fault in our stars?"





Sorry it was so short! I'm writin' my oneshots and my new fanfic soooooo I won't have as much time for oneshots. Sorry guys!

Do you prefer short quickly uploaded oneshots or longer more detailed ones that won't be updated as often? Let me know in the comments!

Just a reminder of my cover contest for silence submissions are due in four days!

Details in the last chapter.

Love y'all , bye bye for now!

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