Otterlock Strikes Again (Part 2)

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

"(Your name) this isn't a good idea."

"It'll be fine John."

"You're going to kill me!"

"I'll plan a nice funeral."

"This isn't funny!"

"It's a little funny."

"(Your name)!"

"Alright alright. We'll see what Sherlock thinks." You turned towards the otter, who was boredly examining his paws. "Sherlock do you think John could survive me throwing him onto the counter?"


"You're sure?" John asked worriedly.

"Not really." Sherlock rolled to his feet, the sound of footsteps echoed and you all dove behind the counter. "Sherlock?" Molly's voice rung out.

"Ready?" You whispered and the boys nodded. You padded out, looking up at her, tail swaying. "Aww aren't you cute! How'd you get in here?" She kneeled down and scratched behind your ears, you felt yourself purr at the feeling. You shook your head, "Molly its me!"

The brunette jumped back, John and Sherlock soon appeared at your side. "Molly we need your assistance." Sherlock propped himself up on his hind legs. "Y-you're talking. How are you talking?" She dropped her clipboard, you barely managed to dodge it. "Molly it's Sherlock. I don't have time for this. We need you to help us change back."

"But how-"

"We don't know." He cut her off sharply. "The first thing you can do is aid us by sitting us on the counter."

Molly nodded and picked each of you up, placing you on the counter. You felt uncomfortable with being man handled and hissed slightly. "Sorry!" Molly sat you down, retracting her arms. You sat beside Sherlock, curling your tail. "What do we do first?" You asked.

"First we need a DNA sample of each of us." Sherlock walked over to John and bit him , causing John to hop in the air and howl. There was no blood, but Sherlock got a good amount of a fur in his mouth. He spat it out on his microscope, he did the same to himself and then he looked at you.

"Sherlock Holmes you keep your otter teeth to yourself." You backed away from him, he shrugged. "I don't have to. Your a cat, you'll eventually cough something up." He looked at his microscope, "Molly please find a book or something for me to sit on." He looked at her and she quickly nodded and hurried off. You felt anxiety creep up within you, what if it didn't go away this time, what if Sherlock couldn't find a cure? You felt your ears twitch slightly with your worrying, you decided to lay down and rest your tired legs. Sherlock seemed to sense this and looked over at you, unsure of what to do. He crawled over and wrapped his body around yours, his flank feeling warm against yours. You looked over at him, "are you sure we can fix this?" You placed your head back down on your paws.

"There's a high probable chance that we'll change back in time, but I'm sure I can do something." He placed his head on top of yours. You sighed, finding a strange comfort in the gesture. You almost laughed at the strangeness of the entire situation. The sound of an awkward throat clearing met your ears and you and Sherlock perked up to find Molly rocking back and forth on her heels, a book in hand. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked nervously and you shook your head. "No." You prodded Sherlock with your nose, "go, let me know if I can help."

He nodded and hopped up on the book Molly sat down and peered in the microscope. Molly stood back with you, she looked down at you. "He really cares for you, doesn't he?" She sighed and you nodded, too busy staring at your genius boyfriend to notice the crushed look in Molly's eyes.

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