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A/N: I really hope that you will take the time to read this whole book because you won't regret it. A plot will start to develop, and I personally think that the book gets funnier in the chapters after chapter 30. My writing also improves in the chapters near the end. I try my best to make every chapter interesting and funny (of course). I know it's a big book but I really hope that you'll make it all the way to the end because it is worth it! Thank you so much if you read this!

Chapter 2

A small smile formed on Bella's little face whereas a cheeky grin appeared on Joey's.

"I'm Bella," The little girl shyly shook my hand and smiled. She avoided eye-contact with me, but I understood that she was shy.

"I'm Joey. But you already know that." Joey said, but shook my hand anyway.

"Are you going to live here forever?" Joey asked me.

I laughed at his use of words. He seemed very sweet. I could see how much he resembled Harry, especially when he made certain expressions. I answered. "No. Of course not.''

So, tell me about yourself.'

Bella grinned. "You wanna know facts 'bout me?''

"Of course." I answered. "So, what's your favourite colour?—"

Bella had a grin on her face. "That's awesome! I'd much rather have a sister than a brother! Oh, and my favourite colour is yellow! I just love that colour! It reminds me of sunflowers, which are my favourite flowers! It also reminds me of sunshine and summer!"

Joey scrunched his nose up. He argued. "Yellow? Yellow reminds me of disgusting stuff. Like vomit."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Why do you always have to ruin everything? Yellow is not a disgusting colour. It's a colour that people don't notice as much! It deserves love!"

Joey stared at her. "Is yellow your favourite colour because you feel bad for it?"

Bella huffed. "I actually like yellow. You're ruining yellow for me."

Joey raised his hands in the air. "Well, mine is purple."

Bella tried to get back at him. She attempted to do what he did to her, but stammered a lot, "Yeah? Well . . Purple's an ugly colour too! It reminds me of. . Uhhh, it reminds me of . . of purple vomit!"

I laughed, and said, "I think yellow and purple are both beautiful colours. My favourite colour is black."

Joey corrected me a matter-of-factly, "Black's not a colour, it's an artificial colour that absorbs all the other colours."

How do I respond to a seven-year-old with more knowledge than me? I scratched my head. "I stand corrected. I guess my favourite colour would be blue, but I still like black better."

Soon, Harry came to the dining table and set the table. I noticed that Bella and Joey began to take out their napkins and carefully place them on their laps.

What well-mannered children.

"I know you're new to my cooking, Grace, but I hope you'll like this," Harry said, taking the top off and revealing a very nicely cooked meal. "It's the kids' personal favourite."

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