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"Harry, I know all of this is really bad but I think you need some time out." My Mum suggested. Harry was sitting on the kitchen table on his phone.

"I don't need some time out. I'm fine, Erin. Obviously I'm worried, but I'm fine." Harry responded. There was not much emotion in his voice at all. He said, "I think I'll go upstairs and get some rest."

"Rest is good," She nodded, "Although I think you should go on a relaxing drive somewhere. Just get away for a little while, you know? I don't like seeing you upset. It'll be good for you. The weather's lovely and fresh air is always good for us."

Harry said, "I feel like a nap is what I need right now."

"Think about it. It'll be relaxing," Mum opened the cabinet and took out a few things as she spoke, "Take Grace with you. I don't want you driving when you're frustrated. She'll be there to keep you company. I think it'll be nice."

"Take.. Grace with me?" Harry met my gaze, "I told you, Erin. I'm fine."

"Just get your mind off a few things," Mum helped him up, "You work very hard. Take this time to be surrounded by the nature and perfect breeze. Trust me, when you sit down and relax in a peaceful spot outdoors, it's the most beautiful thing."

Harry said, "All of that sounds wonderful. I don't know if—"

"Grace, get your coat—" Mum began.

"Me? Oh, you actually want me to go?" I bit my lip, "Really? I'm sure Harry needs some time to himself."

"It'll be good for you too," She said, "You spend a lot of time indoors. Now off you go, the two of you."

Harry made eye contact with me and stood up. I assumed we were going, then. I grabbed my coat and began to button it. Mum talked to Harry for a few moments and I began to put my shoes on. Harry slid his arms into his jacket and prepared himself for the cold weather outside. He muttered, "Can't believe I have to be stuck in a car with you."

I scoffed, "Excuse me? What's so bad about being stuck in a car with me? I'm not annoying, am I? I can't be annoying. Is it because I ramble? Harry, I never ramble. Just so you know, being stuck in a car with you isn't exactly the most pleasant feeling in the world either. You have to keep checking the horn every time and then you check to see if checking the horn didn't break the horn! Surely, I'm not annoying! Why on Earth would you not want to be in a car with me?"

Harry only stared at me, "That. That's why. Because you never stop talking."

"So what if I have a lot to say?" I huffed, "I'm just tryna make a conversation."

Harry grabbed the keys and warned, "Today, I don't want a conversation. You and me in the car. Silence. Complete and utter silence."

"Okay," I nodded, "It will be like a fun little game. Whoever can say quiet the longest wins. Oh, but what do they win? Wait! Does coughing or sneezing count? You know I can't control my coughing or sneezing! We need to create some rules—"

"Just stop talking, Grace." Harry mumbled. I scoffed. I walked behind him and started to mock him. I made a face, Just stop talking, Grace.

He walked out the door and I followed behind him after saying goodbye to our mother. Despite the fact that he had just about had it with me, he opened the door for me like the true gentleman he was and I thanked him. We both sat inside and he started the car, saying, "Remember. Silence."

"But wait," I told him, "We need to stick to some rules for this game. We haven't decided on a prize yet."

"I have an idea," Harry turned to me, his nostrils flared, "If you quiet the longest, you can have two days off school next week."

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