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"Mhm," Harry spoke into the phone. I stood next to him wondering who he could be talking to. Maybe it was a friend, could be my Mum, could be a colleague of his. I leaned my back against the counter as I waited for him to finish.

I wiped my hands with a cloth as I heard him speak, "Yeah, we're not busy... Oh, I'm just home with Grace...You do? Well, um, I suppose that would be alright - Sure. Yeah, so in a bit? Yes, I am.... See you then. Bye."

"Who was that?" I asked out of curiosity as I watched Harry put his phone in his pocket.

"Your father," Harry replied, and my eyebrows furrowed. He sighed, "He's coming over in a little while. Said something about wanting to stop by."

"Any particular reason?" I asked, drying my hands and turning to face him completely.

"Probably not," Harry answered.

"What if he's coming to talk to us about what happened at the hospital? Like, about us?" I asked.

"Oh God. Hopefully he isn't. If he is, let's just act like everything is settled and let's not make anything obvious in front of your dad. He's more suspicious than your mum," Harry explained.

"I got it. We have to basically act normal, right? We can't give anything away." I said, nodding my head and explaining the straight-forward plan to myself. As I was doing so, I stopped and stared at Harry. I narrowed my eyes and slowly spoke in a deep voice, "Harry. That really means that we cannot give anything away."

"I know," Harry nodded his head, understanding me but not quite understanding me. He saw that I was glaring at him and looked offended, "Hey, why are you looking at me like.. like that?"

"Because Harry, we were only exposed because of you - well, kind of." I tried to explain. "It's always you who can't keep a secret or gives it away. You stutter, you accidentally call me pet names in front of him. You always do that."

"Pfft, no." Harry denied, scratching his head awkwardly, knowing that deep down, I was correct after all.

"Pfft, yes." I mimicked. "You panic too much. The more you panic, the more you give away. Just act natural. We have to prove to my dad that there is nothing inappropriate going on between us."

"Right. I can do that." Harry replied confidently. He stretched his fingers and ran a hand through his curls, "That shouldn't be a problem."


"Harry, this is getting boring." I observed. We were still in the kitchen, we had done most of the making and mixing, now we were waiting for the cupcakes.

"That's because we're waiting. Waiting is always boring." Harry pointed out. His back was leaned against the counter, and he had flour all over him. His hair was messy, his smiley-faced apron was now stained, his face was covered in all sorts of things. He asked, "Why are you so cranky, anyway? Like, you're always cranky but today you seem super cranky. Why is that, love?"

"I don't know," I sighed. "I just don't want any of this to end. I like spending all this time with you, and when I think about the fact that it's going to be over soon, it hurts, I guess? I'm going to miss everything we did together. Like, even our fights."

"Yeah," Harry said, sighing and nodding his head simultaneously. "I'm going to miss your negativity and unpleasant energy."

I chuckled, lightly nudging his shoulder. I continued, "I'm going to miss your positivity, and childishness. A negative person needs someone as positive in their life."

"Yeah, you're right." Harry said. "You know how we said that we wouldn't be able to work out because we're two different people? Like, I'm a dreamer and you're a realist. The truth is, that the only way we can work out is if you're a realist and I'm a dreamer. You would think a dreamer would end up with a dreamer and a realist with a realist. We have to be different. I can't be with another dreamer, I need a realist to be able to tell me the boundaries. And you need a dreamer to take you to another world and let you have see the light in everything. Gracie, we are meant to be."

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