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"W-What did you just say?" Harry asked me to repeat, but I knew he had heard me loud and clear. I hid my face in my hands, not believe the words that had come out of my mouth.

"Nothing. Forget it."

"No, you said you like me." Harry said. I watched as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. He tends to that a lot when he's frustrated. "You can't just say that, Grace."

"Yeah, well? I might as well be honest," I said, "It's the way I feel. Obviously, I don't expect you to feel the same? Ha, now that would be funny."

"You can't have feelings for me," Harry said dryly. I couldn't tell how he was feeling about all this. My guess was, he either didn't believe me or didn't care. Possibly both. He said, "You don't."

"My point is, I don't want to do this anymore."

"You don't like me, you like the idea of me." Harry's voice was not soft anymore, his tone was cold and harsh. "You can't like me. You don't."

"Would you stop saying that?"

"You're confused," Harry spoke, "It's not true."

"Yeah, okay—"

"I don't like you back, okay?"

"Surprise, surprise."

He send me a glare, "This isn't the time for jokes."

I said, "It's not like I expected you to pour your heart out for me. I'm not surprised by your answer. Can you stop questioning it? Can we just forget about all this?"

"We can't be together."

"I'm not asking for us to be together," I groaned and frustratedly stood up, "Don't you get it? The whole reason I want to end this is because I let myself foolishly like you, and I need to fix it."

I could not believe that he knew how I felt about him. The words let loose so fast that they could not be controlled. He was sitting here, in front of me, knowing that I liked him. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment when I thought about what he was thinking right now. A silly little girl, who let herself catch feelings, is sitting in front of him. That's how he sees me, and that's how he'll always see me. Just another teenage girl with a little crush.

He sighed, "How could you let yourself like me?"

"For starters, have you looked in the mirror?" I huffed, and he chuckled. I continued, "You're kind. You're humble. You're sweet. You're considerate. You're very down to earth."


"What, yeah?"

"Yeah, we should end this. It's for the better. You're right."

I nodded, "Yeah?"

He breathed, "Yeah."

I said, "Makes sense. You don't have feelings for me and never will."

"That's.. that's right," he said and I felt like my heart fell out of my chest. I felt like someone had stabbed me right in the heart. It was what I expected him to say but at the same time, it hurt. It hurt bad. He continued, "You know that our relationship is only physical, and it will never be anything more than that."

"So, I guess that's it then."

Harry stood up and made his way to the door. He looked back at me once more, "Goodbye, Grace."

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