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A/N: Currently editing! I sincerely apologize for the confusion. This book is, unfortunately, a bit of a mess right now :(  though I will fix it!
Thank you!


''Guys, wait,'' I called. ''I don't understand. Who am I again?''

Bella chuckled, ''You and I are the explorers in the jungle and Joey's the evil guy that's chasing us because we're in his home.''

''What?'' Joey argued, ''I didn't agree to be the evil guy.''

I arrived an hour ago and had been spending time with Bella and Joey since. They suggested we play a game outside where there are two explorers and one evil person that chases them. Despite the simplicity of the instructions, I remained confused as the two of them couldn't agree on a single thing. 

I decided to silently wait until they agreed.

A few minutes passed and..

''Okay, Grace and I are the explorers and Joey is the nice person chasing us,'' Bella announced. ''It's basically tag. You're safe when you're on the grass but he can tag you when you're on the pavement. Oh, and you can't stay on the grass for longer than five seconds. If you stay that long, the grass is no longer safe for everyone on the grass.''

''Question,'' I raised my hand.

She nodded, ''Yes, Grace?''

''If he's nice, why is he chasing us?'' I wondered.

Bella explained, ''Because he thinks we're the enemy, so he thinks to catch us will benefit the jungle and its animals.''

I agreed, ''Sounds like a nice person.''

''Shall we begin?'' Bella asked. ''Who has a question?''

''We can start playing'' I said, ''I don't have a question.''

''Let's begin,'' Joey nodded, ''I have a question. Are you ready to lose?''

Bella shook her head, ''I am ready to win.''

I chuckled, clapping my hands, ''I'm excited! Count to five, Joey. Like in tag.''

Joey proceeded to count to five out loud meanwhile Bella and I distanced ourselves away from him. 

I noticed her excitedly jump up and down when she noticed Joey head my way. Surprised by his pace, I squealed and attempted to run as fast as I could, eventually stepping on the grass. 

''Five seconds finish like this,'' Joey laughed, snapping his finger. ''I will tag you and you will lose. Mua-ha-ha.''

''A nice person wouldn't say that,'' I placed my hand on my waist as I raised my voice, ''Bella! Does he lose if he breaks character?''

I heard her delicate voice from afar, ''A point or two can be taken away.''

Confused by the distance of her voice, I turned around to see her tiny self sitting on top of the nearest tree. I placed my hands over my mouth, ''Bella! Are you on a tree?''

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