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2 weeks later.

I should've just told her the other day.

I should've told her that I love her. Of course I had to be the coward I am and chicken out.

The truth is, I'm afraid.

I was the one that told her that we what we have can only be sexual, but look at me now. I've caught feelings for her. I'm afraid of how she'll react. I know she has feelings for me and vice versa but I don't want to scare her off.

"Hey, Buddy." I greeted as I saw my son wave at me. He collected his things from the classroom and I took his hand, "How was school today?"

I hadn't seen Gracie in two whole weeks. I know I said I would, we tried everything but nothing seemed to work out.

"It was fun," Joey shrugged. I was standing outside his classroom as he asked, "How about you, Daddy? What did you do?"

"Erm, I had fun too." I spoke slowly. I gave him a pat on the back and said, "Let's go pick your little sister up now, yeah?"

Before Joey and I could walk away, a voice stopped us, "Mr. Styles?"

"Yes?" I turned around and it was Joey's teacher. My arm was around Joey and I gave her a friendly smile, "Oh hello, Miss Carter."

"Hi, Mr. Styles. It's nice to see you again." Miss Carter said with an all too wide grin. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, thank you." I answered. I didn't bother to ask about herself because I didn't care.

"Joey is very productive in class." She nodded her head. I mentally cursed. Every single time she has to do this, she just wants an excuse to talk to me.

"He knows," Joey replied.

"Oh, you have a funny boy." Miss Carter twirled her strawberry blonde hair, battering her eyelashes. "Oh nice shirt, Mr. Styles."

"Thank you, Miss Carter." I nodded.

"Oh, you can call me Elaine." She giggled, nudging my chest. Her fingers lingered on my chest as she felt my body, her eyes widening. "Do you work out, Mr. Styles?"

I nervously laughed, pushing her hand off me. "I've got to go, Miss Carter. It's always nice chatting to you."

"Well, you can do it more often then." Miss Carter winked, writing something down on a piece of paper and handing it to me.

"Oh Miss Carter," I shook my head, pretending to laugh. I slid the paper in my pocket for now, but it's going straight to the bin the second I get home.

"He's married." Joey remarked.

"Oh.. I.. I didn't think you were married, Mr. Styles. You usually always collect the kids by yourself." Miss Carter's cheeks reddened. "I'm sorry, I feel awful."

"Yeah well, we all make mistakes." I mumbled. I connected my finger with Joey's and said, "Goodbye, Miss Carter."

Rolling my eyes, I started to walk down the hall with Joey, who said, "Daddy? I have a question."

"Go on," I held the door open for him.

"Why does every girl flirt with you?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he held onto his backpack tightly.

"Um, good question." I said, taking longer than I thought to respond. "I don't know, maybe because I'm nice."

"You are very handsome and nice," Joey smiled. "Mostly every girl flirts with you."

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