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"How old are you, Bella?" Niall asked her sweetly.

"I think I am six." Bella responded, nuzzling her tiny head into the crook of my neck. "I'm too sleepy to remember."

"I think we should put them to sleep, Grace." Niall chuckled, looking over at me. "How does that sound?"

I nodded my head, agreeing with him. "That's a good idea. But I'm not too sure if it would be a good idea to go upstairs."

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine. It's not good for them if they stay up too late." Niall said. He opened his arms up, and asked, "Mind if I hold Bella?"

"Sure," I gently handed Bella over to him. He carefully wrapped one hand securely around her back, and brought her into his arms, patting her back. He rubbed her back, and she was already starting to fall asleep.

"Let's go," Niall suggested. I nodded, picking Joey up in my arms. Niall lead the way, and I followed him up the stairs.

On the way up Harry's gigantic staircase, there was enough room for couples to spread across the area and get comfortable. As we walked up the stairs, I covered Joey's eyes and looked at them in disgust, "You people are disgusting."

"Hey, look. It's the same chick who's been bossing everyone around. She's got a problem with everything," A guy mumbled to his friend, but I clearly heard it.

"I will throw you down these stairs-" I glared at the group of guys. I started to walk towards them to teach them a lesson but was stopped by Niall.

"Just ignore them." Niall said. I crossed my arms over my chest, and huffed. The group of guys continued to look at me and laugh. When Niall wasn't looking, I gave them the middle finger.

I followed Niall up the stairs. There were people in the corridor. We accidentally stepped on a few people, trying to get around. Niall stopped and asked, "Where's their room?"

I didn't respond in words, but instead with a signal for him to follow me. I took the lead, and opened the children's bedroom. I looked to see if everything was alright and informed Niall, "Yep, we can come in."

"Alright," Niall replied. I held the door for him and smiled when I saw him holding Bella gently in his arms, looking back at her every now and then to see if she was okay.

"Let's put you two to sleep then." I told Joey, and his face fell. "It is past your bedtime anyway."

"I wanna party." Joey pouted.

"No more partying." I told him, placing him down on his bed. He resisted at first, but eventually gave in. I tucked him in, and pulled the duvet over him. "By the way, when Daddy asks what you did tonight, what are we gonna do?"

"Lie." Bella and Joey said in unison.

"That's right." I nodded my head, stroking Joey's leg proudly.

Niall chuckled to himself. He did the same as I did with Bella, only he was a lot more delicate and gentle with her. He placed her down onto her bed carefully, and tucked her in. "You are definitely sister of the year."

"Thank you. Their Dad is going to kill me when he finds out that I got them involved with this." I told Niall. I stared at Joey blankly and said, "Now sleep."

"You have really cute siblings." Niall grinned, pinching Bella's cheek. She let out a giggle, and he stroked her hair.

The door opened, and standing behind it was a couple, staring at us. They were standing hand in hand, and their faces fell when they saw us.

"Get out! This is a children's bedroom, you idiots!" Niall yelled at them. The pair only stared at each other, and closed the door.

"Seems like people are still partying hard downstairs." I commented, the sound of the loud music coming from downstairs still audible.

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