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"What did you just say?" Mum asked. After Dylan made that remark, my eyes were left wide. How could he possibly think that Harry is my boyfriend?

"I said I want to get to know my daughter's boyfriend." Dylan repeated himself. Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat and looked down at the ground. I fidgeted with my fingers, and my Mum had furrowed eyebrows. Dylan looked at us all and asked, "Why do you all seem so surprised?"

Suddenly, an evening that was supposed to be a time for our family to bond turned into an awkward conversation, leaving us speechless.

But why does Dylan think that Harry and I are dating? Every time Dylan saw me, I was with Harry, that could be a reason - but I'm hoping that he's not going to say the wrong thing in front of my mother.

"Dylan, Harry is not Grace's boyfriend." Mum said to him sternly after taking a few glances at Harry and I.

"He's not?" Dylan asked. He looked over at Harry and had a bewildered expression upon his face. He asked, "No offense, but why is he here then?"

"This is, um," Harry cleared his throat. I bit my lip, wondering how he was going to handle this one. "This is my house, Dylan."

"Your house? I don't understand." Dylan ran his hands through his dark hair.

"Dylan," Mum sighed, more confused than ever. She explained, "Harry is not Grace's boyfriend. Where could you possibly get that idea from? He is my husband."

"Woah, what?" Dylan raised an eyebrow as his eyes widened. "Harry is your husband?"

"Yes, he is my husband." Mum stated sternly. "Why are you so confused? I thought you knew that from the start. Why on earth would you think that Grace and Harry together? That's.. That's very -- I mean, why would you even think that?"

"They're always together. The ice skating rink, the ice cream shop." Dylan explained himself, raising his hands up in surrender. "I've never seen him with you."

"Yes, but why would you think that they're boyfriend and girlfriend? Harry is married to me, Dylan." Mum said.

"When I saw them in the ice cream shop, they were acting like, I don't know.. a couple? Especially in the ice-skating rink." Dylan stated. I bit my lip, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone at all. "What was I supposed to think?"

"Wait, what do you even mean? They were acting like a couple?" Mum questioned, she looked between Harry and I a couple of times although the two of us remained silent throughout.

"Well, I don't know. I just assumed they were together. He looks young, around her age even. My mistake for mixing things up," Dylan muttered. "I guess they were being really friendly with each other? I'm not sure."

"I get that a lot, that I look young." Harry mentioned proudly, and I mentally rolled my eyes, it really wasn't the time for a comment like that.

"Yeah, you really do look young. You've got good looks, man." Dylan went off topic and complimented Harry. "What are you, 25? 28?"

Harry had a smug smile on his face as he ran his hands through his hair slyly, "You really think so?"

"Yeah, man. I'm not kidding." Dylan answered, and Harry smiled proudly with his dimples full on display. "Your hair is real nice, what shampoo do you use?"

"Oh, stop it." Harry gushed as his dimples were showing. "You really think I look twenty-five?"

"Of course, man." Dylan told him. My mother and I looked at each other with confusion, as my father continued, "If you didn't look so young, I wouldn't have assumed that you were my daughter's boyfriend. What's your real age, man? I seriously think you're in your twenties."

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