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As soon as I came back, Harry's voice was heard, ''How was school today?'' 

I nodded, placing the bag on my chair. I took some cookies out of the cookie jar. ''It was fine. The usual.''

Harry nodded, ''The usual? I see. Anything happen today? Something different? How are things with Austin?''

I shrugged, ''Why? Do you want me to say something?''

He shook his head, ''I was just wondering.''

''Okay,'' I looked around and noticed that only Joey was sitting beside Harry with a book in his hand. He was so quiet, it seemed like his presence was unknown. I asked, ''Where's Bella?''

''Out with Erin buying a dress for her birthday party,'' Harry said, flipping through the newspaper. The atmosphere at home was so peaceful, both Harry and Joey were reading something and it was truly calming. He said, ''They'll be back soon.''

''Yeah, we are here reading. Sometimes daddy and I just sit and read together.'' Joey finally spoke up.

''Yeah, it's always something Joey and I have really enjoy doing. We're spending some quality guy time," Harry fist-bumped with Joey and Joey nodded his head, ''Isn't that right, Buddy?''

Joey grinned, ''Mhmm.''

"Well, I don't want to intrude on your quality guy time." I chuckled, "I wish I was out doing something right now."

"You know, Erin wanted to take you shopping for Bella but you came home so late." Harry asked, ''Why did you come home later than usual?''

"I got caught up in a few things. Niall introduced me to a few of his other friends." I explained, ''Just took longer than I expected.''

Before Harry could say something or respond, by phone made a noise. I pressed the home button and saw that I had received a message from Niall. Instantly, I read it and responded.

Niall: Hey, Grace. Something really strange just happened. Austin told everybody he made the whole thing up. Isn't that weird? Like, out of nowhere? 

Me: Wait, what? When was this?

Niall: It was during lunch. I don't know how you didn't find out earlier. Perhaps you were doing something. I was busy with practice and my friend told me about it. That is so weird. Why would he do that?

Me: I don't know.. 

Me: I'll talk to you later, okay?

Niall: Yeah.

Harry asked, breaking the silence, ''Who was it?''

"I can't believe this." I turned my phone off and faced him, ''This doesn't even make sense. I just got a text from Niall. He said that apparently earlier today Austin confessed that he lied about me."

Harry's lips immediately curved into a smirk and he had a small smile that I could see he was trying to hide. "Really? Did he now?''

I ignored Harry and thought about what I had just read. That's insane. There is no way that Austin would have confessed. Why would he? He said he wouldn't. He basically just embarrassed himself in front of everyone. I don't know Austin that well but I sure as hell know that he wouldn't say that. I said, ''I'm confused. Why would he do that?''

"I'm so confused. I can't believe it?" I said, but it came out as more of a question. "Why would Austin do that?"

"Don't question it. Just be happy that it's over." Harry told me, "Now, your problem's solved. I guess the poor boy just felt bad and finally used some common sense."

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