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"Let's go, quickly!" I yelled at Harry. I jumped right out of the car and slammed the door shut. We had just arrived in front of the hospital. Harry was still helping his children out of the car, leaving me out here. The wind blew in my face, I held onto my stomach as the worst possible thoughts flooded my mind. My lips were quivering because of the cold weather and I was feeling pain all over me.

''C-Come on, let's go.'' Harry said, pulling his son by the hand with his daughter on his lap. Harry rushed out in front of me, and we both ran inside. Harry was running tremendously fast in front of me with both his children with him, and I increased my speed.

The hospital doors that led to the entrance automatically opened. We rushed into the hospital and looked for the reception. I was in such a hurry. I just wanted to see my mother and know that she was okay. I cannot believe that something like this could ever happen, never in a million years did I ever think about this happening to someone so close to me.

I panicked and panicked until we finally reached the reception. Harry was talking to the lady at the reception, but I was too worried to pay attention to anything he was saying. My eyes travelled around the room, I saw nurses and doctors walking around, pushing people in wheelchairs or helping someone to their room.

''We need to see Erin Evans right now. I received a call earlier. She got in a car accident.'' Harry told the woman sitting at the reception. The woman nodded her head and did some work on the computer, telling us to wait.

I impatiently stomped and tapped my feet on the ground as I had my arms crossed over my chest. I was in pain, I was worried about my mother, I didn't know how this had happened or how bad this really was, which made it worse.

''One second, Sir.'' The lady told us both. She said, ''Yes, she was in a car accident was submitted into a hospital room immediately afterwards.'' The woman asked the two of us, finally looking up from her computer screen, ''May I ask your relation to her?''

''We're family.'' Harry said sternly and impatiently as he took a deep breath, bouncing his daughter on his lap. He exhaled a deep sigh as he tapped his feet on the ground impatiently, ''Could you please just let us see her?''

''You cannot visit her room right now Sir, as she is asleep. However, you can go and talk to her doctor and wait until she wakes up.'' The lady told us both. Harry and I looked at each other, my eyes were already watery and his were about to be. She looked down at her clipboard and informed the both of us, ''She is on the fourth floor, room 12C.''

''Let's go,'' Harry said, instantly walking away from the reception and running towards the elevator. I stayed silent, following behind him. I was a mess at this point, my hair was tangled and ruined from me pulling onto it, my eyes were red and my makeup was probably all smudged and smeared. I didn't care, I need to see my mother.

Once we were finally standing in front of the elevator, Harry pressed the button and we waited. It was taking so long for the elevator to reach our floor, I couldn't take it.

''This lift isn't coming, dammit!'' Harry raised his voice in anger, pressing on the button multiple times. He was feeling the exact same way I was, his emotions could not be controlled. He hit the elevator button harder, ''Come down already!''

The elevator finally dinged and the metal doors opened. We ran into the elevator and Harry was the first to press the number of the floor, which was number four. The number had a red ring around it that lit up, and the elevator started to move up.

On the way to the fourth floor, I realized that I was getting closer and closer to seeing my Mum. I wasn't ready. I grabbed my hair and bit onto it. I wasn't even there yet and I had tears streaming down my face. I was not ready to see my Mum in such an unpleasant state. I'm already crying now, and I know that when I see her, I will not be able to control it.

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