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"Harry, you ought to get in here.." I said, starting to feel worried about what Bella had just told me. Not only was I panicking, I also started to feel fear grow inside of me.

"Can it wait, Grace? I'm cleaning up!" Harry called from the kitchen, and I heard the sound of the tap turn on along with the sounds of Harry ruffling stuff around.

"I don't think it can wait, Harry." I said slowly, watching Bella who was too busy to notice that I was staring down at her piece of paper and scribbling away. I took a deep breath and said, "Please get in here as quick as you can."

"Is it important?" Harry asked as he continued to stall which only made me feel even more worried.

"I wouldn't be asking you to come here in the middle of cleaning if it wasn't important!" I told him.

He chose not to answer me but instead made his way into the dining room. I was expecting him to look casual when he came in sight but he was wearing an apron with little smiley faces on it, and it made it more difficult for me to take everything seriously.

"Yes, what is it?" Harry asked, sighing. His sleeves were rolled up, and his hair was slightly messy. Regardless, he still looked adorable. He asked me more specifically, "What could be so important that you had to disrupt my cleaning?"

"Take a seat, Harry." I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and I instructed him to take a seat once more. Groaning, he sat down next to his daughter and sighed as he waited for me to begin. I was about to speak but I looked at his apron and said, "Also, take that apron off."

"Why? It's nice." Harry said, looking down at his apron and looking back up at me quite offended by my comment. He leaned closer to his daughter and showed it off to her, "Isn't it a nice apron, Bells?"

"It's great, Daddy." Bella smiled at him, and he high-fived her.

"It's cute and all," I started. "But I can't take you seriously with that apron on."

"Oh please, Grace. When can you ever take me seriously?" Harry huffed.

"I'm not having this conversation with you again. Just take your apron off and listen, okay? Because what you're about to find out is kind of freaky, and really confusing." I said to Harry.

He groaned like a little boy who was being forced to do something he didn't want to do. He had a frown on his face as he took his apron off. He scrunched it all together into a ball and held it in his hands. Harry asked, "Yes, Grace? Please do tell me what it is."

"Okay, so," I took a deep breath and firstly thanked God that his apron was off. I realized that someone else could tell him better than I could. I gently nudged Bella's shoulder and asked her softly, trying to intimidate her from her work, "Bella? Honey? Do you want to tell Daddy what you just told me?"

"What did I just tell you?" Bella asked, putting her crayon down and listening to me.

Harry's eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed surprised that his daughter had something to do with this. Harry looked at me and I nodded my head. I asked her, "Show Daddy the drawing you just showed me, Bells."

"Oh, okay," Bella replied. She flipped through the pages for a while. While she was finding the right picture that she drew, Harry looked at me with a worried expression, probably wondering what on Earth his daughter had drawn. Bella finally found the picture and showed it to her father, "This is the picture I showed Grace."

Harry stared down at the image and observed it for a second or two, clearly still trying to make out what it was of and why it was so important. He scratched the back of his head and asked, "O-Oh, um. It's a very nice drawing, Bella."

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