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"Hey, Dad.."

"Grace? Is that you?" Dad's voice vibrated in my ear. His tone was soft and his voice was quiet, he cleared his throat and coughed a few times, "I didn't think you'd call. What's up, sweetheart?"

"Dad.." I murmured, touching my lip. My voice was unstable and shaky. I began to walk back and forth around the entire room.

"Is something wrong, sweet pea?" He asked over the phone. I bit my lip, and took a deep breath.

"D-Dad, Mum got in a car accident." I finally let the words loose. I feel like over the past month my father and I have grown a lot more close, so that is why I called him. He needs to know this, he is one of the people that can really help me get through this.

"What?" Dad asked as a gasp escaped his lips. He started to worry and panic, he spoke once again, "Are you serious right now? Your mother got in an accident?"

"Yes," I whispered, looking down at the ground. "We're at the hospital right now."

"Oh my God," Dad whispered in shock. I heard him curse a few times. I could hear the sounds of him walking and rushing on the other line. He said between breaths, "Grace, tell me the address. I'm coming there right now. Stay there."

"Please come," I murmured sadly, feeling another tear roll down my cheek. I sniffed, wiping a few tears off my cheek. I needed him to come, I needed him to come right now.

I ended the call and quickly typed the address, sending it to him. I put my phone back in my pocket and stood right on the spot, thinking about everything.

I didn't go back to Harry and his children. I wasn't far from them, I could see them from here but I needed to be by myself and just let all of this sink in.

Take a deep breath, Grace. I exchanged a deep breath. The doctor said herself that Mum is going to be just fine, don't worry. The thing is, I know that the doctor confirmed that my mother was going to be okay, but I am a pessimistic person.

I can't just go back to normal and put a smile on my face. Even though the doctor has informed me that my mother will be fine, just the thought of her even being the least bit hurt makes my heart ache.

"Hey, you alright?"

I turned around and saw that Harry was standing behind me with his hands in his pocket. He was not as much of a mess as I was. His eyes were watery, but not as much as before. His hair was slightly messy, and his lower lip was tucked between his teeth.

"I-I'm not alright, I'm really not alright." I whispered, rubbing my arms with my hands to keep myself warm.

"I know." Harry exhaled a deep sigh. He took a few steps forward and stood next to me, whispering, "But at least we know that your mother is going to be just fine. That makes me feel better, doesn't it make you feel better?"

"Harry, she's hurt.. she's i-injured," I whispered. It was still so hard for me to cope with the fact that all of this was happening right in front of my eyes.

"And she's going to get better." Harry completed, taking my hand and putting his on top. His forest green eyes stared directly into mine as he whispered, "She will get better. We're going to see her soon, and she be back to normal in no time."

"You really think so?" I whispered, avoiding his gaze and staring down at the floor.

"Baby, I know so. The doctor said it herself, she's not that badly hurt." Harry comforted me, moving his position to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulders, rasping out, "I don't want you worrying, okay?"

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