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I didn't proof read this, I apologize if there are any errors.


"I'll see you in a while then, Grace." I told her, weakly smiling and walking off, leaving her all by herself. I could not believe what we had just discussed. I always knew our relationship was difficult, but I wasn't ready to end everything.

"Hey, honey." Erin said, noticing me walk down the hallway. My reaction was not massive, I perked up and gave her a small smile. She asked, "You alright? Where are you going?"

"I think I'm going to go up in the bedroom and get some rest. I'm not feeling too well." I said, telling her nothing but the truth. It was true, I was feeling awful. In the end, I knew I had to do what's right, saying goodbye to Erin and Grace, but the mere thought of it out so much pressure onto me.

"Aw, honey. Are you feeling okay? Are you feeling warm?" Erin asked, concern written all over her face. She set her crutches aside for a few moments, struggling slightly. Once she had placed them against the counter, she reached over and felt my forehead. She said, "You're not that warm. Are you tired?"

"Yeah, just tired." I went along with it. The truth? Tired of hiding a secret relationship, tired of trying so hard, tired of having to solve one problem after the other. Tired.

"Did something happen? Is something on your mind, Sweetheart?" Erin asked, wrapping her arms around my neck and stopping me on the spot. I had no choice but to stare at her, and I awkwardly shook my head in response.

"Not much. Just tired. I feel like I want to go back to sleep right now," I answered. Maybe I could use a long nap. Even though I just came downstairs, I had no shame in going back up there and putting myself to sleep just to get my mind off things.

"As you wish, darling. I'll let you go," Erin smiled up at me. Every time she smiled at me, she would need to look up. Her eyes are so big and blue, they looked very adorable, especially when she would stare up at me - like an innocent puppy. She was also fairly short, which made it cuter.

As I was speaking to her, I realized that this was the woman I was going to be leaving. This was the woman that I didn't love anymore. The caring, sweet, selfless, and passionate woman. I viewed her as a tremendous human being: she was strong, she was caring, she was very considerate. She didn't deserve to be left, not like this, not after what she's had to go through in the past.

It didn't matter. You've got to do what's right, Harry. You can't be with her just to keep her happy if you're not enjoying any bit of it, I reminded myself. I nodded my head and offered her a weak smile, "I'll see you in a bit."

"Get some rest," Erin said, rubbing my shoulder in a comforting manner and allowing me to walk away.

My hallway was very large and lengthy. It took a good few minutes to walk down the hallway. Most of the journey to get to your destination in my house was the long and never-ending corridors. I stumbled across my daughter on the way. She seemed lost. She, as usual, was holding a piece of paper and a pencil in that hand of hers. With that creative brain of hers, who knows what's going on in her busy and infant mind. I asked her, "Where are ya headed, Cupcake?"

"Oh, hi! I didn't see ya there," Bella chuckled, excited to see me. "I just went to get some colour pencils and crayons from upstairs.

"Hm, let me guess," I said, pretending to think for a long time. She furrowed her eyebrows. I bent down and booped her nose playfully, saying, "Drawing again, are we?"

"Oh, daddy! How did you know?" Bella pretended to be shocked as she covered her mouth sarcastically. She played along to my little game.

"Lucky guess," I said, cracking a small smile as my entire day - that was just about to begin - had been lightened up because of my daughter, making me feel better in an instant.

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