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A/N: I pretty much know nothing about football in the UK so after doing some research, I just picked a team name that sounded pretty cool. Some of this is fiction and some from real-life research. Thank you!

I was still trying to comprehend the fact that Harry was as famous as everyone said he is.

I ended up doing more research than work.

After googling his name, I was shocked by the numerous results and was surprised I'd never heard of him, especially as someone living in England. My friend used to mention a Harry here and there when we hung out, but I always assumed he was a member of a popular boyband, so I never paid much attention. Then again, I had never been interested in sports.

Harry Styles is an English athlete that plays for London's successful team, The Rangers. Styles began his career in 2012 when he was eighteen years old and has since been one of the most famous celebrities in the country. Styles' sudden absence took everyone by surprise in the summer of '17 and he was missed every day by his motivated fans. When his coach, Timothy Bryans, announced his return, you can imagine the response. 

The most strange yet outstanding quality of Styles' return is that he has refused to participate or do any interviews or television shows with anyone. As happy as we are to find out he has returned for good, we all want to know the reason he chose to take a break and at this point, getting any sort of interview or information with/about him would end up making the headlines and spread like crows on a cool evening.

I realized how much of a golden opportunity I had here.

But, I wasn't raised this way. I wasn't taught to take advantage of a situation like this. I was taught to look out for myself, but I was also taught to respect people's personal space and decisions.

I just needed another story.

''How's it going?'' Tara asked. ''Looking up Harry Styles, I see.''

''Just research.'' I tried to smile. ''Do you think I should write about his return? Make an interesting article and all?''

''I hear a discussion about an interesting article,'' I heard Ramon's voice. I turned around to find him in the room. ''I want to know what you've got so far, Evans.''

''Hello, sir. I was thinking about writing about the return of Harry Styles,'' I replied, standing up. ''It's a very popular discussion at the moment.''

''That's the problem,'' Ramond repeated, ''That it's a very popular discussion. When every other magazine or newspaper is writing about his return, what makes you think your article will be different? I'll admit, the topic is juicy, but we don't appreciate juicy here. Anything is juicy. We appreciate juicy with a hint of spice. You have to make it spicy.''

''Sir, what if I figured out a way to interview his fans and ask them what they think were the reasons for his sudden break?'' I asked. ''Would that be alright?''

''You are absolutely missing the point of this job. Let me put it this way. Let's say your colleague Tara here suddenly left the country for a month. Do you really think asking your colleagues the reason for her departure would make headlines?'' Ramond crossed his arms. ''Anyone can suggest a reason. People don't want to know what people think the reasons are. People want to know the actual reasons. If you can find the real reason for Harry Styles' break, then that would make headlines.''

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