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I, myself, could not believe what I had suggested to Samantha. If she chooses to do that, then I'll never be able to see Harry again. Everything we had, it would all be over, just like that.

I came back home after talking to Samantha, still trying to process what could happen soon.

"Hey, honey. Where were you?" Mum asked me as she was cooking some dinner on the stove.

"Oh, I was just visiting a friend of mine." I mumbled, sitting down on the kitchen table.

"Are you okay, darling? You seem.. upset." She noticed, turning her gaze towards me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I was not fine, I was unprepared, I was worried, I was anxious, I was frightened, I was not fine.

"I'm not buying it," she pulled a chair and took a seat right in front of me, ready to talk. "Is everything okay? Is there something going on? Something I should know about?"

"No, Mum. I'm fine, I really am." I tried to make it sound believable.

Mum shook her head, "I've been meaning to ask you. Are you seeing a boy?"

"What?" I was quite taken back by her question that came out of the blue. "No, Mum. I am not seeing a boy."

"A girl?" Mum asked, shrugging her shoulders and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Like I said, I'm not seeing a boy."

"Okay," She pressed her lips in a tight line, almost as if she wasn't believing me. "I've just noticed you acting a little different lately, and I have a feeling you have a boyfriend. You did go on that date a while ago, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a boyfriend." I replied.

"Alright. You might not have a boyfriend but I have a feeling that something is bothering you." She stated. "I just hope you're okay. Is everything at school okay?"

"Relax, Mum. I'm okay, nothing's bothering me." I forced a smile onto my face. "I'm going to go and watch some TV now, okay?"

"Fine," she sighed. "But Grace, please remember that if there's anything you want to talk to me about, then don't be afraid to come to me, alright?"

"Sure," I smiled at her. I opened up the cookie jar and grabbed a cookie. I squeezed the cookie between my teeth and carried it with me in my mouth to the living room.

"Hey there," Harry sang once he saw me, flicking through the channels on the television.

"Hi," I sat down next to him. I took the cookie out of my mouth and held it in my hand.

Should I tell Harry about what just happened? Would it be better if I told him?

A part of me feels like I should just tell him now because if he finds out later, he would realize that I'd been hiding it and would be in disbelief later.

But if I tell him now, he would know that I had lied to him about where I was going. He would know that right after he told me to talk to him first, I did the exact opposite. What if Harry gets mad at me?

Either way, Harry wouldn't be happy. So, what am I supposed to do now?

"Hey, can you pass me that glass of water?" Harry politely asked, and I immediately jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Yeah," I mumbled, picking up the glass of water and handing it to him. I had just been thinking about him, and he took me by surprise.

"You okay?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows, taking a sip. "You seem kind of jumpy."

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