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''Come on, baby. Let's do this.''

Harry walked closer and closer to me, ripping his shirt right off. His deep voice was going to be the death of me. He looked me in the eye, and then eyed me up and down. I was getting nervous, knowing my mother was right downstairs. Boy, this was risky.

Harry's large hands started to unbutton my top, ''So we begin.''

The sound of footsteps could be heard from close by. hear footsteps. Those weren't any regular footsteps, those were my mother's footsteps. They were coming upstairs.

My top was on the ground. I panicked, whisper-yelling, ''Harry! Mum! She's—''

''She's not here,'' Harry whispered, ''Shh, okay?''

''She's not here, but she's about to be,'' I whispered, ''She's coming here! Like, now!''

His eyes widened and he dressed himself quickly, ''Dammit. For God's sake, it's the second time today.''

I picked my top up from the ground and put it back on. I buttoned it up in such a rush. The door opened and we heard her voice, ''Grace?''

She pressed the light switch and the bright light shone down on us. She looked between the two of us, ''Harry? Why are you in here?''

Harry was lost for words. He stammered, ''I-I—''

I cut him off, clearing my throat. I begin to speak quickly and move the two of them out, ''I needed some help with my homework. That's why he's here. Well, we're done now. Thank you so much for your help, Harry. It is much appreciated.''

Harry said, ''Always a pleasure.''

''Would you look at the time?'' I asked, looking down at my wrist, ''Woah, baby! Seems to me like it is way past my bedtime! I need to get my rest. I'm pretty sure that I have this Biology test tomorrow—''

Harry added, ''Which I helped her prepare for.''

''Yep,'' I said, ''That was what he was helping me with. Anyways, I'm tired. See you guys later. Goodnight, and sweet dreams.''

''Slow down,'' Mum asked, ''Why were the lights off?''

''Oh, umm,'' Harry cleared his throat, having a go at this, ''That's right! We were doing an experiment in here!''

''I don't see any equipment around here,'' Mum looked around, ''I am so confused.''

''It's all cleared up,'' I shrugged, ''Experiment's done. Done and dusted.''

''Mhmm,'' Harry grinned, ''Now, Grace and I both know what happens when salt dissolves in water.''

Mum stared at him, ''Sweetheart, that's chemistry.''

He just had to go one step beyond, didn't he?

''Same thing,'' Harry corrected himself, ''Well, we should probably get to bed, Erin.''

Mum shrugged, ''Actually, I just got a call. I have to work a little more today.''

''What?'' I said, ''Now? It's pretty late.''

''They called me,'' Mum said, ''I'll only be an hour or so. Goodnight, Sweetheart. Why is your shirt unbuttoned?''

I said, ''I was feeling hot.''

''Well, I better run,'' Mum hugged both of us, ''Don't bother Harry with homework next time, Grace. I can help you.''

''It's fine,'' Harry said, ''It's no bother.''

''Alright, well. Thanks, Harry,'' Mum said, "Grace, go get some sleep.''

I argued. "Tomorrow's Saturday.''

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