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Chapter 101

''I have a better idea.''

''And what's that?'' I asked Niall as I turned around to face him. It wasn't long before nearly all of his face was very wet and all of his clothes were soaked. I tried to forget about the thoughts that were rushing through my mind about Harry and everything else going on right now. It was all so hectic, and I tried to forget about it.

The similarities between Harry and Niall on this day were very surprising and absolutely unexpected. They are two very different people in terms of personalities but the coincidences that happened today were simply mind blowing. Now I am afraid that everything that happened on that day with Harry might be recreated with Niall.

''You don't want to go home yet, right?'' Niall asked, and I nodded. ''Maybe we could go on a quick walk?''

''A walk? Yes, that sounds very nice.'' I said, thinking about it first before answering. A thought came to mind and I asked, ''But, what if we get sick? I mean, our clothes are already really wet and we're not exactly dressed for the weather.''

''What do you suggest we do then?'' Niall asked, shrugging. He looked down at his clothes and frowned, ''I can't believe the rain drenched my shirt. It was-''

''Brand new? Yeah, I know.'' I said, finishing his sentence for him. I was not exactly bothered by the similarities but I wasn't pleased either, if you know what I mean. ''My house is right here, you know. You can change and stuff. It's cold out here anyway. We don't want to get sick.''

''I thought you didn't want to go home yet,'' Niall pointed out, and I bit my lip awkwardly.

''I don't but we can't stay out here for a long time? Look at us, we're soaked. My hair is wet and probably tangled and I am super cold.'' I stated, pointing at my home that was right in front of us.

''Oh gosh, you must be freezing. Look at you. You're wearing a white top made out of really thin material,'' Niall observed, bending down slightly and moving closer to me to take a look at my wet clothes. I frantically nodded my head. He continued to stare at my shirt. A few seconds later he looked up and stated in a very awkward manner, ''Uhh, Grace?''

''Yes, Niall?''

''Your shirt is kind of see-through.''

''Oh, um,'' I mumbled as I flushed. I looked around quickly and tried to cover myself up with my bare hands, and that was no use. I gave up and told him, ''Well, just don't see through it, okay?''

''It's kind of hard but-'' Niall began, but as soon as he heard me groan uncomfortably, he stopped and rephrased, ''Okay, I've got it. No looking.'' He chuckled at himself as he held his hand up in front of his eyes.

I playfully rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and proceeded, "Now, let's get inside. I don't want you getting sick."

"Okay, okay. I hear ya," Niall said quickly. I pulled him by the hand and dragged him towards the house. As we were approaching the large building, I stopped in my tracks when I came to the realization that I would have to face Harry. I didn't want to yet because I was still upset and I just knew that it was all going to be very hectic. Niall noticed that I had stopped and asked, "Why did you stop, Grace?"

"Oh, um, sorry. Let's go," I answered quickly, reaching for the doorbell.

"No, Grace. You obviously don't want to go home. I don't know why. I'm not going to force you to take me inside." Niall said.

"No, Niall. It's fine. Just come in. Please," I said. "The weather's starting to get worse. Come on."

"Why don't you want to go home?" He asked.

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