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"Harry, we're working. Can't you just leave us alone?" I snapped, he was being extremely annoying right now, bossing me around and telling me what to do. He's totally overreacting, throwing a party isn't even a big deal.

"Grace, you better not talk back to me." Harry rasped, "Get back to work right now. I have every right to be here. It's my house. However, you do not have a right to throw a party in my house."

"You do not have a right to throw a party in my house," I mimicked him quietly to myself. He was embarrassing me, and he was being overly dramatic about the whole situation.

"What was that?" Harry asked, tilting his head as he sent me a deathly glare.

That shut me up. I stopped talking, and went back to work. Niall remained quiet during mine and Harry's little argument, and I continued cleaning. Groaning, I grabbed the wet cloth and kept on sweeping the floor.

I heard Harry point out, "You missed a spot."

"Thanks, Harry. You're being really helpful here." I mumbled sarcastically, rubbing the cloth on the floor.

"Not my fault you threw a party. Break the rules, deal with the consequences." Harry opened up a can of coke, and made himself comfortable on the table, kicking his legs back and forth and keeping his eyes on the both of us.

The comments he was making right now were so unnecessary, they made my job so much more difficult. I've already spent so long cleaning this mess up, I don't need someone to sit down and yell at me.

"Are you just going to watch us?" I asked Harry.

"Keep your eyes on the floor, Grace. You better hurry up, there's a lot of stuff that needs cleaning in the living room, upstairs, and the bathroom." Harry listed, a proud smirk on his face as he sipped his coke, relaxed. He was enjoying himself up there and bossing me around, but it was not fair that he was making me do all of this.

"Upstairs? The bathrooms? I'm not cleaning all of that up." I argued, scrunching my nose up at the thought of how messy each of those things would be.

"Oh?" Harry mocked. "You really thought I was going to make you clean just the kitchen, Grace? Who else is going to clean everything up? Me? You do this, you pay for it."

"You're being unfair!" I groaned, my voice louder than I intended for it to be.

"I'm being unfair? Listen to me, Grace. You deliberately broke the rules. It's your mess, so you clean it up. You should've known this was going to happen." Harry told me sternly. "I suggest you shut up and do what you're being told to do and stop whining like a baby because there's lots you have left to do."

I groaned, not bothering to fight back. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty if I did. Sometimes Harry can be so responsible, sensible, and strict that it drives me crazy. Why does he have to be so serious about everything all the damn time?

"You have a lot of nerve talking to your stepdad the way you do. If I ever talked to my dad like that, I'm pretty sure I'd be grounded for life." Niall whispered into my ear, and I sighed.

"Hey, you." Harry pointed at Niall. "You better get to work because if all you're going to do is talk, then you may as well leave."

"S-Sorry, sir." Niall apologized nervously, stuttering slightly.

"I'm so sorry about him. He can be so annoying sometimes," I whispered to Niall.

"What did I say about getting back to work? Do you people not speak English? Would you like me to write it down for you?" Harry snapped, rolling his sleeves up. My mouth closed, and Niall and I returned to work immediately.

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