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I had just gotten back from school.

However, I was not alone.

I had brought Austin with me. I honestly didn't feel like bringing him home but today was so hectic and he said his parents weren't home so I offered. Now he's having dinner here. I just don't quite know what Harry or Mum will think, since I haven't told them.

Oh, well.

I knew Harry was going to be home, but I wasn't sure about Mum. I opened the door. "Come on in. This is my house. Sorry if it's a little messy."

''You have a lovely home, Grace.'' Austin took his shoes off as he complimented the house. I nodded and thanked him, allowing him to come in.

I told him. "So basically, I haven't really told my family that you're coming.''

He smiled, his white teeth sparkling in the light. ''I understand. You really didn't have to do this. But hey, at least I get to meet your family."

I nodded. "Right."

I don't even know him that well. I don't even think I wanted him to come, he was being passive-aggressive about it and I felt bad.

I heard a deep voice. "Grace, you're home."

I got goosebumps from that raspy voice of his. Soon, Harry came in sight with Bella. He smiled at me and waved, as did Bella. His eyes widened a bit as he saw Austin standing next to me, he was confused and cleared his throat. He cleared his throat, "And you've brought a visitor, I see."

Although, before he could speak, Bella decided to. ''Grace, you're home! I was missing you!''

I went over to her and took her from Harry, making the slightest of eye contact with him and slowly biting my lip. ''I missed you too, Bells!''

Harry rested one of his arms on the kitchen counter as he asked Austin who he was. I can only hope this doesn't go as weird as I think it will go. He asked, "And who are you?"

Austin introduced himself. "I'm Austin. Sorry to disturb you guys but Grace invited me over for dinner.''

I nervously laughed. "See, Harry—"

Harry crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh, we certainly weren't expecting a visitor. I only put five plates on the dinner table. Looks like I'll have to add another one. Care to explain, Gracie?"

Bella started to play with my hair. I answered, "Austin's parents weren't home. It was the least I could do. Is it okay if he has dinner with us?"

There was a slight pause. Harry forcefully smiled and said. "Of course."

Austin paused and referred to Harry. "So this is your. . ."

I completed. "Stepdad. This is my little sister. Her name is Bella."

''She's adorable.'' Austin decided to come closer and play with Bella's tiny hands.

''Don't touch me!'' Bella shoved his hands away and Austin stumbled a bit, running his hands through his hair. I heard Harry laugh and I giggled.

''Where's Mum?'' I asked, looking up at Harry. ''And what about Joey?''

''Erin's at work, she'll be here soon.'' Harry responded. ''And Joey — Shit, Joey. Bella, do you know where your brother is?''

Bella repeated. "Shit!"

I chuckled and told Harry. "You really have to stop saying that word, Harry."

Bella covered her mouth and giggled. As soon as she remembered something, her eyes widened and she gasped. "No, Daddy! I said a bad word! Does that mean a puppy died because of me?"

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