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"You know, something's been bugging me since our phone call the other day," Harry put his cup of tea down, "I have a few questions."

"Really? What's been bugging you?" I asked him. The two of us were alone out on the porch, and Mum had taken the kids somewhere. This gave Harry and I a chance to sort of talk. "Is everything okay? Did I do something stupid?"

"Well. I know it's stupid. But, when you ended the call with me that night, you kind of said you love me." Harry hesitantly spoke, "Like, what was that all about?"

Did I really say that? Great, Grace. You accidentally told him you love him and don't even remember it! And he hasn't stopped thinking about it since. My conscience lectured. Must you make these mistakes?

"Really? I don't remember," I spoke truthfully, "I guess I'm used to saying I love you over the phone quite a lot. Especially when I'm talking to my Mum. That may have accidentally slipped out."

"Yeah, I figured," Harry looked down, "Obviously. It was just on my mind."

I apologized, "Sorry for confusing you that way.".

"I get it. It's alright," His face was full of sympathy and he gave me a reassuring smile. "Let's talk about something else."

Before we could talk about anything else like he pleased, his phone started to ring. Harry answered his phone and said, "Hello?"

I sat in my seat quietly as I waited for him to finish his phone call. I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking to.

"Yeah, no it's fine... Just let him do whatever he wants, he'll be fine.. Let them do whatever they want... No, really. They'll be fine... You can even sit down and relax and let them do whatever.. Yeah, we're fine.. Just enjoying a cup of tea.. Alright, bye... Yeah, love you too." Harry finally finished his phonecall and looked at me, saying, "That was your Mum."

"What was she saying?"

"Well, Bella and Joey want to wander around freely by themselves but your Mum fears it might be quite dangerous." Harry explained. "I told her to let them do whatever, they're always fine on their own. Sometimes I let them go out by themselves to do whatever they want, I know they'll be fine."

"Wow," I breathed. "Boy, are you gonna let them do whatever they want when they're teenagers?"

"Sure, why not?" Harry answered as he took another sip from his mug. "I wouldn't mind them having fun and doing what they want. As long as it's safe, of course."


"Are you even listening to me? Come on, grab your clothes and put your shirt back on." I handed him his shirt. I didn't want him to put his shirt back on, but I knew he had to.

"I'm thinking of getting another tattoo." Harry kept on talking more and shit. I chose to ignore him and started to clothe myself. He asked me, "Maybe I should dedicate it to you?"

"Me? Why me?" I asked him as I slipped my shirt back on.

"I don't know, you're special." Harry's locked in a stare with mine once more. "I'm not sure what I could get though. I want it to be something deep, not your name, something that reminds me of you."

"That's very sweet, Harry. But I really need you to put your shirt on."

"Are you sure you want me to?" He teased, a smirk still on his lips.

"No," I mumbled, looking at his perfect body as I licked my lips. It was so perfect, he was so perfect. "Come on though, they'll be home soon."


Thank you so much for the support and for reading this book :)

Love you!

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