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"It was nice seeing you again, Grace." Dylan said. It was time for them to leave now after the pleasant but slightly unusual dinner we had. Dylan grabbed his coat and said, "Merry Christmas, you all."

"You too." Harry nodded his head. He bent down and got on one knee as he talked to Livia, who was standing behind her father all dressed up and ready to leave. She was wearing her cute pink and warm hat, stripy scarf and mittens. Harry asked her, "Did you have fun, darling?"

Livia responded with a simply and shy nod of the head, hiding some of her face with her scarf.

Harry gave her a pat on the back and said something else to her although I did not hear. He got back and stood next to me, saying, "We enjoyed having you here."

"Yeah," I chimed in. I looked down at the bracelet he had given me which was now wrapped around my hand and said, "Thank you for the gift, Dylan. I really like it."

"No problem, honey. It's the least I could do." Dylan said. He picked Livia up in his arms and started to bounce her on his lap, saying, "I hope to see you soon, Grace. Goodbye, everyone. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," we all chorused.

"Bye," My Mum said, before finally closing the door. They both had left together out in the cold weather late at night. My Mum locked the door and pressed her back against the wall, "Well, how was that?"

"Good," I replied dryly. "It was nice."

If I'm being completely honest, it was good. More than just good, I liked tonight - apart from the part where Dylan almost ruined everything. What I mean is that tonight I actually got to see that my own father was trying to make an effort, and it made me feel good. I appreciated that, and that's what I liked.

"What he said about you two being a couple was weird." Mum commented, shaking her head at the thought as we followed her back into the living room. She leaned her body against the counter and mentioned, "That would be the weirdest thing ever, now wouldn't it?"

"Yes, very weird." Harry replied sternly. The strangest thing about this all is the fact that Harry and I are in actual fact, not a couple. We have told each other how much we love each other, yet we are still nothing. When will we actually start to go somewhere?

How can you love someone and not want to be with them? Does Harry even love me? I believe him when he said he does, but I want our 'relationship' to actually get somewhere. If he's going to tell me he loves me and not do anything, what am I supposed to believe?

"Bed time, you two." Harry said, changing the subject. He picked up both of his children in one arm each and lifted them up, holding them tightly. He said, "Let's go to sleep."

"Daddy, not now." Bella said, trying to escape away from him. "It's the holidaaays!"

"What is with you two and staying up past your bedtime? It's been happening a lot lately and I'm not a massive fan of it." Harry stated, tickling both of his kids on their bellies.

"I'll take them to sleep, Harry." Mum suggested, walking over to the lot.

"Why can't I take them to sleep?" Harry asked as he held both of his kids in his arms.

"Because they actually listen to me. They don't take you seriously. Plus, my bedtime stories are better." Mum said, taking Bella in her arms first and then moving on to Joey. She asked them both, "Isn't that right, babies?"

"My bedtime stories are better," Harry huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Daddy always does the Choo Choo of the train," Bella commented, pointing at her father excitedly.

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