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Chapter 96!!




Since Harry was reading his book, and not giving me the attention that I wanted, I decided to keep myself busy. I sat down opposite him on the other side of the living room, and looked through my phone for a bit.

I would glance at Harry every now and then. He was fully concentrated on the book that he was reading. His eyes were skimming side to side as he flipped the pages of the book. The way he was so focused on each and every word was so attractive to me, and it made me want him even more. He would occasionally touch his lip or run a hand through his hair, and I would just continue to stare at him, completely mesmerized.

Harry coughed, and this made me look back down at my phone. I looked through some pictures that my old friends posted. They were hanging out and having fun. When I saw those pictures, I realized that if my life didn't change this way, that could've been me in there with them. But, I am happy with the way things have turned out. Although I have a feeling everything is going to go back to how it used to be once again, and that this was all a dream.

I shut my phone off, realizing that there was nothing interesting on there. I sighed, and glanced at Harry, who was reading his book. I wanted him to talk to me, do something with me, kiss me, anything. I just wanted him to give me attention rather than having a book up his nose.

I tried to get his attention by clearing my throat. Once he heard me, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked up for a second. I looked away, and he went back to reading his book.

Realizing that this didn't work, I internally groaned. I didn't give up and I continued to cough. I coughed, and coughed, until he finally looked at me and mumbled, "You really ought to get some water for your throat, Grace."

I rolled my eyes at him. He only went back to reading his book. The more I watched him, the more I felt attracted to him, the more I fought the urge to take that book from him and rip all the pages apart.

I couldn't take this, it was too much. Call me selfish, but I needed him to focus on me. I called, "Harry?"

"Mhm," Harry hummed, his eyes finally leaving the page of the book for once as he looked up at me.

"My knee hurts," I lied, putting on a sad look on my face as I faked an injury. I pouted my lips and frowned, rubbing my knee.

"Okay, and?" Harry asked, staring at me and blinking his eyes a few times.

"Could you, um, make me feel better?" I asked nervously. I said quietly, "It really hurts."

"How am I supposed to make you feel better? Get up and get some ice." Harry said dryly, no concern or emotion in his voice.

"I can't get up," I said. "My knee hurts, remember? Could you close that book for just one second and help me?"

"I don't feel like getting up, I feel like reading," Harry mumbled.

"Gosh, Harry! Please put that book away before I have to burn it myself! We finally have some time alone and you're reading a book!" I complained. I know, I sound extremely needy and whiny, but I want him to focus on me.

"There are like fifty more pages left! Let me finish this book and then you can do whatever the hell you want to me," Harry argued.

"You can read that shitty book any time. When's the next time we're going to get some time together? Come on, please." I frowned.

"Go get some ice for your knee." Harry suggested, ignoring what I said previously. He pointed somewhere "It's not that far away. I could see it from there."

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