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"Okay, guys. Remember, I only invited a few people so don't worry." I told the kids, as I started to walk towards the door. "You guys can maybe go and get some food."

"So, let me get this straight." Joey said. "You're throwing a party without an adult's permission, and you don't want us to say anything about it?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay," Joey shrugged. He ran into the kitchen, and came back with a bowl of crisps in his hand.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and slowly opened the door. Standing behind the door was a very familiar face. His blue eyes met mine, "Hey there, Grace. I brought everyone here."

"Hi, Niall." I greeted him. I bobbed my head around and looked behind him. When I saw the amount of people that were behind him, my eyes widened and I whispered, "Um, I thought you were only going to bring a few people, Niall."

"Hey, the more the merrier." Niall bent down, and helped himself to the bowl of crisps that Joey was holding. He grabbed a crisp, and chewed on it before standing up. "Come on in, guys!"

Everyone that Niall had brought came rushing into Harry's home, it felt like a stampede of animals. They pushed right past us like wild animals, and helped themselves to whatever they wanted. I sighed, "Niall. This is a lot of people."

"There are like fifty more on the way," Niall shrugged. He knelt down and grabbed another crisp from Joey. He pointed at him with a confused expression, "Hey, who is this kid?"

"He's, um. He's my little brother," I told him quickly. I was starting to panic. The only reason I got the kids involved was because I expected a few people to come, but with this many people in the house, I'm worried about them. I tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey, Joey. How about you go upstairs?"

"No way. This party is just gettin' started!" Joey walked past me, punching his fist in the air whilst dancing and slowly disappearing into the crowd of people.

I smacked myself on the head. Niall was left laughing, "I love that kid."

"Niall," I glared at him. "Why did you being this many people here?"

He answered, "You wanted to make friends, right? Come on, just have some fun."

I tried to answer him, but a bunch of guys pushed right past me aggressively, causing me to stumble. I squeezed my body between them, trying to get to Niall, "Excuse me, coming through."

"What's her problem?" One of them mumbled, and the other two laughed.

Niall shook his head, taking me by the hand and pulling me towards him. I groaned, giving the two of them the middle finger. Niall turned me around to face him and said, "Grace, you ought to relax."

"Niall, you said you'd bring a few people. Now, there's like a hundred people here." I said to him, putting both of my hands on my hips.

"And? It looks like everyone's having fun." Niall said, "Which is something you should be doing."

"Fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"You've got a pretty nice house by the way. Where're your parents then?" Niall grabbed a cup from the side, and leaned half of his body on the counter.

"They're out," I replied. I watched two girls walk by me with something in their hands. I stopped them both, "Excuse me, where'd you get that?"

"Upstairs," The girl with blonde hair replied. In her hand was something that looked like it belonged to Harry.

"Yeah, give me that." I snatched it from her.

"Calm down there." The girl with the blonde hair replied, and her comment was followed by a laugh from the brunette beside her.

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