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Joey had concern written all over his face. I could tell he was feeling quite scared. He heard his father raise his voice. I was assuming that was a side he didn't see very often. Joey ran up to Harry and hugged onto his leg, "Daddy, are you okay? Why were you shouting?"

"I just raised my voice. Only a little. I shouldn't have," Harry picked him up in his arms and kissed his forehead, "Daddy didn't mean to."

Samantha kept her eyes on Joey. She watched Harry comfort their son. She couldn't take her eyes off the boy she last saw almost six years ago. She bit her lip, and I couldn't tell what was going through her mind. Joey noticed her and asked, "Who's this, Daddy?"

"This is just someone. How about to go back upstairs, Buddy?" Harry immediately shifted the focus of the conversation, "How's that boo-boo of yours?"

"I-It's better, Daddy," Joey answered, his eyes still glued to Samantha. He thought that if his father couldn't answer his question, maybe she could, "May I ask who you are? My name is Joey and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Samantha gave him a small smile and shook his hands, clearly impressed by his choice of words, "Likewise. What a polite boy you are, Joseph William Styles."

Joey scratched his head, "Uhhh, how do you know my full name?"

Harry said, "You just look like a Joseph William Styles, that's all."

Joey said, "Oh."

Samantha asked Harry, "He's so big now?"

"Yeah, well that's what kids do. They grow." Harry said, plainly responding to Samantha. He had a look of worry on his face. He looked at me for a second and I gave him a look of reassurance. "Buddy, I really think you should go upstairs and play."

"I can't. My knee hurts," Joey shrugged his shoulders. He was clearly interested in whatever this was, so he diverted his attention back to Samantha, "May I ask your name, please?"

She answered, "Samantha."

"Nice name," Joey smiled, "I had a friend called Samantha once. She moved to Texas. I miss her. Oh, no! I think I forgot to reply to her letter!"

"Wonderful. You go and reply to your friend," Harry said, "How about that?"

Joey said, "Maybe when I'm feeling a bit better."

Samantha asked, "How old are you, Joey?"

Joey answered, "Seven years old and still growing!"

"That's unbelievable," Samantha said, "You have a very beautiful home, you know that?"

"Thank you very much," Joey smiled and offered, "Would you like to come inside and stay for tea? I'll make my special cookies in a plate!"

"I'm afraid Samantha won't be staying for long," Harry said, "She has to go soon. Your offer is very sweet but she's just about to leave. Go upstairs and I'll meet you there in a few moments to put you to bed."

Joey smiled, "Kay! Which book you gonna read to me today?"

Harry said, "How about The Very Hungry Caterpillar?"

"That's a good one, but I've read it," Joey suggested, "Oh! How about the story about that Bunny and his journey to the magical island?"

"You got it," Harry promised, "I'll be there."

"You're a good Dad, Harry." Samantha observed. She watched her son hug Harry and then said, "I would have already said something by now but since the other one's not here, I'll wait."

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