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"You always do this, you always take forever to get ready! I always have to be the one that ends up waiting for you. We're about to go out, come on. We've been through this. I don't like waiting around."

"Just give me a moment!"

"Honestly, I hate waiting around for you. I'm always the first to get ready and I hate waiting around like this. Look at the time, for God's sake."

"Stop being so impatient! Jesus Christ!"

"You know that if we're late for our reservation, they just give it to other people!"

"Can you stop yelling at me? It takes time to get ready. Patience too. Which is something you are lacking."

"I always end up waiting for you! We are going to be late. This happens too much and it honestly needs to stop!"

"Maybe if you stopped yelling at me, I'd be ready by now."

"We are going to be late. I've honestly lost count of how many times I've been through this with you. What could possibly be taking so long?"

"I'm trying to find the right tie! Then, I'm going to accessorize! Give me a break!" Harry called from upstairs. Mum shook her head disappointedly and looked at me, looking at herself in the mirror before exhaling a deep sigh.

"Harry, come on. I honestly don't know why you always do this!" Mum called. Harry and she were ready to go out on their date, and I was about to spend the rest of the time looking after Bella and Joey. She sighed, ''I cannot believe we have to go through this again.''

"You look nice, Mum,'' I complimented her with a smile. It was true. She did look very beautiful. She was a very beautiful woman in general. She let her bouncy curls cascade down her shoulders tonight and applied very little makeup to her face. She's never been a big fan of wearing a lot of makeup. It doesn't float her boat. Perhaps that's why I don't like my face to look cakey either. I told her, ''I like your dress.''

"Thank you, dear." Mum gave me a small smile. She twirled around in her clothes lightly and fixed her hair, ''That's so sweet of you.''

"It looks kind of familiar," I narrowed my eyes and creased my eyebrows. I could've sworn I've seen that dress in my closet somewhere. I said, ''Hmm.''

"Mmm?'' She hummed, clicking her heels, "Maybe you've seen it in the store somewhere."

"Or in my closet," I noticed before asking her, "Mum, are you wearing one of my dresses?"

"Don't be silly, sweetheart." Mum rolled her eyes playfully like it was nothing, ''Why?''

I shook my head and widened my eyes. Shocked, I asked, "Did you like, steal my dress?"

"No, Honey," A laugh escaped my Mum's lips as she adjusted her hair a second time, "I just borrowed it."

"Well, then,'' I looked at my mother fixing up her makeup in the mirror. Shaking my head once again, I took a seat next to Joey, "It looks better on you than it did on me anyway."

"You're too kind." Mum walked over to me in her heels and picked up her handbag from the table. She checked the time on the clock hanging above us, "Oh gosh, Harry always takes so long to get ready."

"Yeah well, he's very particular about his clothing,''" I sighed, remembering how upset Harry was about his shirt yesterday, ''Can't stop that.''

"You're telling me," Mum sighed in agreement. She fixed her jewelry and adjusted my dress once more. "He always takes forever to get ready, you don't even know."

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