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"I can't believe your Dad just accepted us." Harry stated, and I shook my head.

"Harry, he did not accept us." I clarified, making sure he knew my father was actually saying the entire time. I stated, "He said he's not happy about what's going on and wants it to stop."

"Oh." Harry said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. He asked again, "Is that really what he said?"

"Yes," I bit my lip. I turned to look at Harry and asked, "What are we going to do? If he finds out that we didn't stop, he's going to kill us both. Mostly you, though."

"Wait, so this whole time he wasn't saying he was okay with us?" Harry asked, tilting his head and stopping as if he had heard the biggest lie of his entire life.

"No, Harry. How could you have possibly missed that?" I asked, shaking my head at him.

"Oh," Harry mumbled. His words were soon followed by a shrug of the shoulders, "That's still okay, though. We managed to sneak around your Mum for a long time, I think we can fool your Dad too."

"No, he's knows which is going to make it easier for him to suspect something. My Mum didn't know so she didn't suspect anything." I told Harry, "Now that my Dad knows, he's going to be analyzing every single interaction we have with each other."

"Well, then there's only one thing we can do." Harry stated, his voice serious and demanding. He stopped in the hallway, and stared into space dramatically as if he was a character in an action movie.

"And what is that?" I asked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This was because I knew Harry in situations like these, it is always so hard for him to stay serious and act like an adult. So, I just knew whatever words were about to come out of his mouth were pretty much going to be useless.

"We build a rocket and live our life on Mars." Harry said, and I sarcastically nod my head. See what I mean? He can't stay serious, even in a situation where his whole life might depend on it.

"Harry, this is no time to make jokes." I said, immediately dismissing his childish thoughts. I told him, "I bet Joey would have more mature thoughts than you. This is a serious situation. What are we really going to do?"

"I have an idea-"

"If it involves building a rocket, a different planet, or cloning ourselves then no, absolutely not." I stopped him mid-sentence, shaking my head, more serious than ever.

Harry's face fell, and he avoided my gaze, looking down at the ground. He looked defeated as he mumbled, "Well, then I'm going to need a second to think."

"Harry, I cannot believe you." I whined, nudging his elbow lightly. "Can you not be serious for even one second? Just stop making jokes and actually think like an adult."

"Well, you're one to talk, you know." Harry shot back, and I pursed my lips together, raising an eyebrow. He mumbled, "It's not like you could help with that."

"What are you trying to say?" I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed.

"You're the most childish person I know," Harry scoffed. "And now you're telling me to act like an adult? I am just trying to lighten the mood here."

"Just stop, okay?" I breathed, and he rolled his eyes. "Let's just stop blaming each other and actually focus on what's going to happen next. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Harry mumbled like a child with his arms over his chest, looking down at the ground with a ground as he let out a huff.

"Okay. So, have you got any other ideas?" I tried my best to stay open-minded, waiting for him to speak. I couldn't stop myself from adding, "That don't involve some kind of weird machine or teleporting."

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