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''Okay, you need to tell me what the heck is going on between you and Harry.'' Lauren said as soon as we entered my room. She threw her bags onto my bed and got comfortable, lifting her legs up. ''Tell me everything.''

''Calm down.'' I laughed. ''I already told you. No one knows and it's not a proper relationship. It's physical only.''

''I can't believe this, Grace,'' she said with a smile on her face, lying down on my bed. I joined her and shrugged. I lain down next to her and moved closer, tucking myself under my arms, ''And the fact that you're starting to like him.''

''I know, and I really shouldn't be. He's my stepdad. He's with my Mum but, Lauren,'' I looked at her and pictured everything I was listing, ''His gorgeous face, luscious hair, plump lips, irresistible eyes, mesmerising body and tattoos make it so difficult. Oh, those tattoos.''

''Damn, you're in deep.'' Lauren sighed, ''Wow, Grace. I still cannot believe my best friend has some sort of thing with Harry Styles. What if you two end up, like, a couple?''

I mumbled, ''That will never happen. Harry made that clear.'' 

''Oh,'' She nodded, ''Well tell me more about your life here. Meet anyone? Any boys, perhaps?'' 

I muttered, ''Actually, I did. A jerk.''

''No,'' she sat up, ready to listen to everything I was going to rant about. ''There's already a new asshole in your life?''

''Yeah. His name's Austin. He was one of my first few friends here. He asked me out, I rejected him.'' I told her the story, and internally rolled my eyes while explaining, ''Next thing I knew, he told the whole school that I slept with him. That I paid him to.''

''Seriously?'' Her eyes widened. ''How come you didn't tell me?''

''I don't know. I guess I was really busy. But the issue's fixed now, Harry told, well, threatened him,'' I corrected myself. ''Because of him, everybody now knows that it was made up.''

''Really? That's hot,'' Lauren said, ''Honestly Grace, I think Harry might be into you. He threatened the douche to tell everyone that he lied. That is a sign.''

I shook my head in denial, ''No, Lauren.. There are no 'signs'. There is no point in getting my hopes up. Harry and I have briefly talked about how we felt and he was so confusing, and it was clear that he would never be into me. Plus, I am trying to get over him. I can't keep liking him, what if turns into more than just like?''

''Oh, God,'' She nodded, agreeing with me, ''I suppose you are right. Then you would have to go through a lot of pain, and it would only hurt you. Just out of curiosity, is it more than just like?'' 

I hesitated, not knowing why I had hesitated, ''Of course it isn't. It's just a little crush, that's all.''

''Are you sure?'' She asked softly, glancing at me sympathetically. ''I mean, you see him everyday. Every single day. You live in his house, under his roof, you eat dinner with him. He's basically everywhere. It will be hard not to develop feelings for him.''

I spoke honestly, ''I don't want my feelings for him to grow, Lauren. Everything will be one big mess in the end and I don't want that.''

''Can I say something?'' She asked, and I nodded my head. ''If you don't want your feelings for him to grow then.. stop. Stop doing whatever it is you two are doing, and act normal around each other. It's the only way for this to stop. When you're around him or do stuff with him, it causes your feelings for him to grow. I'm not saying completely avoid him because that's practically impossible, but you know what I mean? ''

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