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Have you ever loved someone? Do you know what it feels like to be loved and to be in love? I didn't know what it felt like to be in love. I thought I did, until I met Grace. My whole world appeared brighter. Suddenly, everything that I once saw as something negative, instantly turned into something positive. When you're in love, you seem to be a much happier person - you stop to smell the roses, you notice the flowers and nature around you, all of a sudden you're this person that you didn't even know could ever exist.

To me, that's crazy. Why is it crazy? It's crazy because the effect that simply one person can have on you is insane. They change you completely. It's like they cast a spell on you, and you're a completely different person, a better person. They bring out all the good in you, they change everything about you. Isn't it absolutely wild that one human can do that to you?

But they change you in a better way. They make you see the whole world differently. They put a smile onto your face by just their presence or existence. They make your heart beat a million times faster when they walk in the room. They light up your whole world. And soon, they end up being your whole world.

If you haven't ever been in love, and you want to know what it feels like, let me put it this way. Love is like.. Like, a rollercoaster ride. Before getting on the ride, you think to yourself, 'I can't believe I'm doing this. Maybe this isn't a very good idea.' You're scared, you're nervous for what's about to happen next. Then, the rollercoaster starts to move. It's too late to back out because you're moving, you can't stop now. Before you know it, you're in the air, spinning around and looping.

Crazy thoughts are rushing through your head. You think you're going to survive, but you're not sure. Half of you thinks it's going to be okay, but the other half knows nothing about rollercoasters. You're scared, you're confused. Until you start to enjoy every twist and turn that comes along the way, you realize it's exciting. You start to love every scary second. You start to slowly let go and relax, you start to trust. The ride starts to slow down, but you're okay with that because you know you're going to be just fine. You're in love. That's what it feels like to be in love.

Do you see what I mean? Did that make it easier for you? There are great elements of being in love, things that you enjoy, but things that you can't control and scary moments. But in the end, you always end up in the place you wanted to be.

If you're lucky, that person loves you back. That person for me is Gracelyn Rose Evans. She loves me, and I love her. Our problem isn't loving each other back, our problem is far from that.

"Harry? What are you thinking about?" Grace's soft voice brought me back to reality. "You look like you're thinking about something very fascinating."

"Depends," I smirked, looking down at her and smiling, "Do you find yourself fascinating?"

Grace's cheeks heated up, immediately turning into a rosy pink colour. Shyly, she bit her lip and looked down, smiling at the ground.

"I was thinking about you, baby. About how much I love you," I said, staring down at her and pulling her even closer to me than before.

"I love you too, Harry," Grace whispered, moving herself under my arms. I started to stroke her soft and silky hair, never getting tired of it. If I could do one thing forever, it would be this; petting her hair, having her laying in my arms, kissing her whenever I wanted to, and listening to her precious voice all day long.

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