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I walked back towards the kitchen and I saw my mother standing here with her crutches. She looked like she was struggling so I asked her, "Hey, Mum? You alright over there?"

"Hm?" She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. She gave me a small smile and nodded her head, "Oh yeah, I'm fine, honey. I'm just getting ready to go somewhere."

"You're going somewhere? Why, Mum?" I asked her. She wasn't suppose to be leaving the house by herself. She can't even manage inside the house, let alone outside. "You know that the doctor told you to be careful, right?"

"I know, but someone's picking me up." Mum said. She shook her head and said, "I'll be fine, Grace. Don't worry about me, alright?"

"Wait," I stopped her. "I don't want you to risk anything. Where are you going and who's taking you? Harry?"

"No, not Harry." Mum said, shaking her head and denying my assumption. "It's just, um - a friend, yeah, a friend."

"Who, Mum? Where are you even going?" I asked her.

"I'm just meeting with a friend somewhere. My friend will pick me up soon from here and I'll be just fine," she said.

"Mum, you know you can't go out like this. You might hurt yourself," I said. "Come on, please. Just stay."

"Look, just because I have an injury, it doesn't mean I should stop myself from having some fun. I can't keep myself locked in here all day, now can I? Don't you worry about me, okay?" Mum said as she gave me a pat on the back. "Just keep Harry company."

"You're not even going to tell me where you're going?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her and following her as she moved out of the kitchen.

"Just somewhere," she shrugged.

"Mum, I'm worried. I don't want you out there like this. You might get yourself hurt," I spoke truthfully.

"That's very sweet, darling, but I'm an adult. I can handle myself," she said as she smiled at me and gently stroked my shoulder. "It's not like I'm clumsy or irresponsible."

"Actually, Mum. You kind of are," I argued. "Okay, just do what you want. I don't mind you going outside and meeting your friends or whatever, I just want you to stay safe and take care of yourself. You know what the doctor said. If you hurt yourself again, it won't be good."

"I'm getting these off soon anyway," Mum said, pointing at her crutches and shrugging. She limped slightly and walked towards me. Before wandering off somewhere, she told me, "Just keep Harry company and take care of the kids. I'll be leaving soon."

I nodded my head. She wandered off to the front door, and I stood there in complete silence. I could hear Harry's voice from behind me, "Hey, Grace. What's up?"

"Not much, Mum's just leaving to meet a friend," I told him. I turned around so I could get a full view of him. I asked him, "How're the kids and Samantha?"

"I don't know. I was with them the whole time and they seemed to be getting along fine with her," Harry said. "I just wanted to check up on you first before I go back there. Wait, did you just say your Mum left somewhere? But she can't."

"Her friend's picking her up. I tried to tell her, Harry. But she didn't listen," I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Oh," Harry nodded his head slowly, not exactly knowing what to say. He scratched the back of his neck and muttered, "Grace, I've been thinking about something and,"

"What have you been thinking about?" I asked Harry, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I am not sure how you'll react to this but now that you're my girlfriend, this only seems right," Harry said. What has he been thinking about? He started off slow, "Grace, look. I can't date you and be married to your mother at the same time. You know it's not right, and I definitely know it's not right. It's not the way it should be."

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