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"Grace, get up." I heard the sound of my Mum's voice fill the room. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw her standing in front of me.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Why? I want to sleep," I said lazily, rolling on my bed.

"Um, I need to tell you something." She said. I groaned, opening my eyes. "We're um, we're going somewhere today."

"What? Where?" I asked, still yawning.

"Harry's." Mum told me, scratching the back of her head.

I widened my eyes, and furrowed my eyebrows. "Wait, what? We're going back?"

"We're not going back for good." Mum stated, and I fell back on the bed, groaning. "We're just visiting."

"If we're not going back for good then why are we visiting?" I asked. The thought of seeing Harry again after such a long time made me feel nervous.

"Well, Harry and I talked yesterday and.." Mum began.

"What? Seriously? What did you guys discuss?" I immediately threw my duvet off the ground and sat up next to her. "What's going on?"

"Well, let me tell you." Mum said. "So, Bella had an injury and it's gonna take more than just one parent to take care of her. I insisted on helping and we're going to their house now."

"What? Is she okay? What happened?" I asked. So many questions that were in my head were bombarding her all at once. "Are we going to eat there too? Does this mean we're moving back?"

"Honey, one question at a time please." Mum explained. "We are spending the day there and yes we're eating there, but we'll be back here."

"So we're going moving back yet." I mumbled sadly. "Mum, when will we go back? We can't stay here forever."

"I know, I know." She sighed. "I just don't know if I trust Harry. There are so many questions that I don't have the answers to."

"How can you not trust Harry? You really think he would hurt a child? Someone like Harry, who may I remind you, has two kids of own." I told her.

"I know. I don't want to believe he did something like that and when you're telling me that he didn't, I really should believe you but.." Mum said.

"Then what's stopping you? Come on, Mum. You know that he didn't do anything to me, you know it. There's just something stopping you. Someone's bothering you," I said.

"Well, of course it's bothering me. I'm bothered by the fact that the two of you lied about where you were going." She said.

"I already told you, we just thought you would've thought it was weird. Harry told me that he wanted to spend some father-daughter kind of time with me. The reason we didn't tell you was because it was a place very important to him, it's a place where he bonds with all his children and it's kind of like a father-child thing. He took me somewhere special and person to him, it was a place he took all his kids and he was just accepting me as his kid." I said slowly and only about half of it was true.

I added, "And Mum, trust me, he was so nice. He told me about his family, and showed me around. That is all that happened."

"Really?" Mum's voice softened, almost as if she was now convinced. She looked down at the ground and bit her lip.

"Of course," I persuaded. "Samantha was lying, she just wants us away from Harry. You shouldn't believe her, she's lying. You've known Harry for a lot longer than you've known Samantha. Harry wouldn't do that."

"Well, now that you've told me this.." Mum scratched the back of her neck, and I bit my lip, hoping for the best to come out of her mouth. "I suppose it is starting to make sense.."

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