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"Grace, I'm your dad."

Those were the first words that came out of his mouth. They had hit me like a train. I didn't know what I was hearing, everything suddenly seemed different, it was like the world around was starting to spin. Taking more steps back, I asked, "W-What did you just say?"

I kept on backing away from him, standing next to my mother. He only sighed, and shut the door, saying, "Grace. We need to talk."

"Mum, what is he saying?" I asked, my voice trembling as I looked at my mother. "Is he..? No, he can't be.."

"Listen to him, honey." Mum whispered, stroking my hair. She offered me a very sympathetic smile. I only stared at him in response, still trying to process everything.

"No," I whispered, realizing what was happening right now. He had just told me he was my father, and my mother did not deny anything. That could only mean one thing, it had to be true. "No! You can't be my dad!"

"Grace, please. Just listen to me," He started. "I came here to tell you that I am your father. You might not believe it, but it's true. You're my daughter."

"No, this can't be real." I whispered, although I was speaking to myself rather than him. I convinced myself that this could not be true, "You? No, you're not my dad. You're Dylan.. You can't be my.. dad."

"Take a deep breath, Grace." Dylan reached his hands out for mine, and held onto them. I stared at him, jaw dropped, feeling like I was going to cry any second now. I was looking at the man who could may well be my father, and that was hard for me to handle. "Relax, yeah? Let me explain."

"You.. You can't be my dad," I whispered, my lips started to shake and I felt like I was going to fall right onto the ground. Dylan could not be my father, not him. "Not you.."

I remember when I first met him. He looked familiar, yes. Could he be my father? No, he can't be. I've known him for quite a while now, and the fact that he came here to say this is difficult for me to process.

I felt the tears build up inside my eyes. This was so unexpected, I wasn't prepared. A man, who I already knew, showed up to my house and is telling me that he's my father. He was absent for my whole life, and when it's someone you know it's harder. I wiped a small tear and asked my mother, "Is it true, Mum? I-Is he?"

My Mum did not respond in words, but instead with a nod. I felt my breathing increase and grow faster as my chest rose immensely. I was no longer taking slow and deep breaths, now they were rushed and quick.

"Hey, Grace. No, don't be like that." Dylan cooed, walking closer to me. I shook my head with teary eyes and backed further away from him. He sighed, and took a few steps forward, trying to get close to me, "Let me just explain everything to you, alright? I'm going to need you to sit down and take a deep breath, honey."

"It can't be you," I whispered, walking backwards and landing straight onto the couch without looking at a single thing around me. My vision became blurry soon, and I had to rub my eyes to fix it. "I-It can't be. You're.. Dylan."

"I'm your father. You are my daughter." Dylan stayed, taking a seat in front of me. My Mum had gone to get some water for the both of us, and he stared right at me. "I know there are a lot of things you want to know. But let me tell you my side of the story first, and then you can ask."

"Y-You're my dad?" I whispered, still trying to admit it to myself. He looked at me and slowly nodded, pressing his lips together. After seeing his reaction, for some reason, I still couldn't process it and looked down. "But.."

"Sh, now." He hushed me. "Let me tell you everything. Alright, Grace?"

I responded with a hesitant nod instead of words, I was so shocked that I could barely find the words to say. I was lost for words, and couldn't think of anything.

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