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I came back home and saw Harry feeding Bella and Joey with my Mum beside them. The minute they saw me come home, their eyes lit up. Mum asked, ''How was school today, Sweetheart?''

I shrugged, ''Great.''

Bella asked, ''Wanna come and sit with us? Daddy feeding us! Right now, he an airplane!''

I gave her a smile, ''As amazing as that sounds, I'm going to go upstairs. I'm pretty tired after today, and I think I'm going to get some rest.''

Mum frowned, ''Everything okay?''

''Yeah,'' I said, ''I'll see you guys at dinner?''

I started to make my way upstairs. I threw my bag onto my bed and sat down. I thought about the situation. No wonder no one talks to me anymore. I could only imagine what other rumors are going to start now. A small tear had made its way onto my cheek, but I wiped it off. 

I tied up my hair and styled it in a bun. I pushed my pillow aside and rubbed my eyes, sniffling. I took my bag and placed it underneath my bed.

I heard a knock on my door.

My eyes widened. I could not let Mum see me like this, it would make her upset. I said, ''I don't really want to talk right now, Mum.''

''It's not Mum.'' A deep, husky voice say. Chills ran through my body, and my lips parted.

I didn't get the chance to answer him because he opened the door. His eyes were full of concern, ''You kind of just walked upstairs, and I felt like something was wrong.''

I avoided his gaze, ''I'm fine.''

''Ah, the biggest lie in the English language,'' Harry took a seat next to me. He noticed something on the bed. He placed the stuffed animal on my lap, ''Cheer up. Snowy's here!''

I raised an eyebrow, ''What are you doing?''

''Obviously, you're upset about something,'' Harry played with Snowy in his hands and tried to lighten the mood, ''Maybe Snowy can make you smile with a rap. Did you know he can rap? Come on, Snowy. Show her what you got.''

A few moments later, Harry started to rap with Snowy in his hands, ''My name is Snowy, my wife is called Chloe. A few minutes ago, I talked to Joey. Harry is super nice. Harry is super hot. Harry is—''

''Okay, he does not talk like that,'' I took Snowy and placed him next to me, ''It's sweet that you care, but I'm fine. You should go now. I kind of want some time alone.''

''Care? You see, I don't care,'' Harry shrugged, ''You thought I cared?''

''You tried to cheer me up by rapping about a stuffed animal,'' I said, ''It's pretty obvious that you care.''

Harry stood up and denied, ''Just for that, I am leaving. I'm going because I don't care.''

I said, ''Good. Go. That's what I've been asking you to do, anyway.''

Harry walked towards the door, ''I'm going.''

I waved, ''Bye.''

He placed his hand on the handle, ''I am going, Grace.''

''Do you expect me to stop you or something?'' I sighed, ''Seriously, Harry. Just leave. I want to be alone.''

He slowly twisted the handle and sang, ''I'm leaving..''

I groaned and threw my pillow at him, ''Then leave!''

''Dammit,'' Harry turned around, ''Okay, maybe I care a little bit!''

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