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''Oh my God!''

I screeched when the realization hit me. I had smacked her. I bent down to help her up, hoping she wouldn't be unconscious. I asked, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I swear! I thought you were, I don't know, someone else.''

Samantha slowly opened her eyes. Once she processed that it was me standing in front of her, her eyes went wide and she growled, "You."

''I'm glad you're alright,'' I awkwardly spoke, ''Nice to see you again. I didn't expect to see you at our doorstep at nearly nine in the evening—''

"You!" She snarled as she fixed her hair and clothes. She walked closer to me and hissed through gritted teeth, "You hit me! What's your problem? Why would you do that? How dare you!''

"I've already told you! It was an accident. I'm sorry," I apologized truthfully, ''I didn't mean to, I promise.''

"I came to see Harry," Samantha sent me another glare. She walked into our home and her heels made a noise each time she took a step. "Where is he?"

"He's not here. You should go," I told her, "Oh, and I would really appreciate it if you stopped coming here and just inviting yourself in. We don't want you here."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that. Who are you to tell me what to do? You're just a little girl," She said, causing anger to build up inside of me. "You know nothing about me or Harry."

"First of all, I know a lot about you and Harry. More than you think." I fired back, "But you, however, have no right to keep bothering Harry. He certainly doesn't want to see you.''

"Oh? I see you've got an attitude," She mocked, walking in circles around me, "You've got some nerve talking to me like that. You think you're so feisty, but really you're just a little teenage girl. So, how about you just tell me where Harry is and make things easier for the both of us?"

"No way. That's none of your concern. You can come here all you want but no one wants to see you. Why do you want to see him? Is this about you wanting to be a part of your kids' lives again?'' I whispered the last part, hoping I wouldn't attract Bella and Joey over here. ''Please, leave.''

''See, I do want to be a part of their lives again,'' Samantha announced, ''And I want you and your mother out of the picture so things can go back to the way they used to be. Me and Harry. Not you, not his wife, not anyone else.''

I whispered, ''What? In case you haven't forgotten, it's your fault that things didn't exactly end up that way!''

Samantha said, ''I've learned from my mistake! Don't you think they deserve to know me? I am their mother, after all. Why am I even talking to you? You're just—''

"First of all, I'm not a little girl. Stop calling me that! Believe it or not, Harry's actually not home and there's no way I'll tell you where he is! You need to get away from him, and mind your own business," I shot back unexpectedly. I was quite surprised at my sudden use of language and confidence, "So, why don't you just leave before I hit you with the brush again? Because I'm not afraid to do it and this time it won't be an accident.''

"Look, whether you like it or not, you're a pathetic little teenage girl,'' She started, ''Your opinion doesn't matter. You can't stop any of this. I don't like the way you talk to me. You have a big mouth. You think you're so powerful, but you're really not. You can't do anything to me, Honey. You're all bark and no bite."

"I could say the same about you," I spat. I wasn't having any of this. Not today. "You've come here twice already—''

''With good intentions!'' Samantha interfered, ''Harry may have a say in this because he's my children's father, but you do not! I am only trying to make things right!''

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