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Harry reached his arm out to open the door for me. I held some of my dress up, sitting down in the car. I stroked my dress, getting rid of the small creases. I look up at him and smile, trying to contain my excitement. ''I'm so happy.''

''Me too. We did it.'' He began to reverse the car and exit the driveway. Soon our car approached the main road and I saw the city lights above us, which were beautiful. He said, ''Isn't this great?''

''Where are we going? Can I know now?'' I asked with a wide grin on my face. I was tapping my feet, fiddling with my fingers in excitement.

''Yes,'' he rasped, turning to look at me. ''I'm taking you somewhere very special. To me, at least. It was somewhere where I had some of my greatest memories with someone. Someone very special. Someone who's gone now, and this is a place I remember them by. It's kinda lame, I know.''

''No, Harry. It's not lame.'' I said softly. ''If you don't mind me asking, who was this person? Someone you loved before?''

Harry looked down and weakly smiled. ''No. It was my third child.''

''I'm sorry?'' I almost gasped, ''You just said..''

''Yes, I had a third child. The youngest. Four years old. I took her here to play and we would always eat here too. I miss her so much, Grace.'' I could hear Harry's voice getting shaky and starting to tremble, ''Not a day goes by where I don't think of her.''

''Harry, I didn't know,'' I instantly started to feel horrible. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't imagine how much pain he'd been through, ''I'm so sorry.''

''Quit apologising, Gracie. You did nothing. There's nothing to be upset about.'' Harry said. He cleared his throat. ''The good thing is that we are going on a date there, somewhere where I made amazing memories and somewhere where I want to make new memories with you. It's a great thing, actually.''

''Y-Yeah,'' I still could not comprehend the fact that Harry had another baby. If Harry wanted to change the subject, then I was willing to. I nodded, ''So tell me, how did you manage to make yourself look so handsome?''

''Oh, hush,'' he blushed. ''I looked at you only for a few seconds once I came down. I tried so hard not to have a big reaction but I'm so lucky I get to look at you all night,'' his lips curved into a cheeky smirk. ''You know how hard it is focussing on the road and not being able to look at you?''

''Harry, stop.'' I blushed. Once I realized he actually stopped, I frowned, ''Okay, please continue.''

He chuckled, ''Gladly.''

The rest of the ride consisted of us talking to each other, and Harry paying me more compliments. I returned the kind gesture. I looked outside and noticed that we were taking a different route. We had exited the city, and the road was much clearer with less traffic. I could tell that during the day this place would look stunning.

Harry told me, tapping the steering wheel with his index finger, ''Arrived.''

''This place is beautiful,'' I looked around, ''I like it already.''

''I'm glad,'' He stopped the car at an appropriate point. He got out and held the door for me first, ''It's not your ideal first date type of thing.''

I fixed my hair and teased, ''Well, I didn't know this was a first date.''

I was only joking when I said that, but Harry took it more seriously than I thought. He mumbled, ''Just walk.''

I raised a brow, ''It was just a little joke.''

''Yeah, I know,'' He gave me a pat on the back, ''I'm just messing around. Anyways, this is basically a tiny little restaurant that I used to come to as a kid. I still come here. It's called Steve's.''

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