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Pic of Erin above :)


About an hour earlier..

I've been at school for the longest time, and I am so bored. I don't understand anything, I can't even tell you how many times I've looked at the clock and waited to just get out.  I'm just staring at the teacher and nodding my head, pretending like I know something. If the teacher made eye contact with me, I always sent her an understanding nod but I didn't actually understand. I never understood any of this.

I stared at the clock. Only ten more minutes left, I can do this. I can make it. This is the last period for the day, and in ten minutes, I'll be free to go home. I can't freaking wait.

"Grace, psst." I heard someone whisper. I turned my head around and saw Daisy poking my shoulder.

"Daisy, what is it?" I whispered, trying to make sure that the teacher couldn't hear the two of us. I groaned, "What is it that you want?"

"Do you understand any of this? I wasn't paying attention and now that she told us we can start, I don't know what to do." Daisy whispered, shrugging.

"Beats me," I shrugged as well. "I have no clue either. I'm just pretending to write something down but I don't know what to do. I'm actually drawing small turtles."

"Really?" She asked, a grin spreading across her face. "So, you have no idea what to do?"

"Nope, I never do." I said, popping the 'p' and continuing to work the pencil with my finger.

Finally, the bell ring. I sighed in relief, packing all of my things together. I put all of my books together and some loose sheets in my binder.

The teacher, whose name I still haven't bothered to learn said, "Alright, class dismissed. You may all leave now."

She didn't have to say that, we were going to leave anyway. But whatever. I started walking out of the classroom and found myself bumping into a few people accidentally. "Sorry," I mumbled as I tried to get through.

"Grace, hey! There you are!" I heard an Irish accent from afar. I turned around and started to pack everything up. Niall ran up to me and leaned agains the locker, saying, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Why? Did something happen?" I whispered, tucking some hair behind my ear and immediately thinking that something was wrong. I asked worriedly, "What did that little piece of shit Austin do now?"

"Nothing, Grace." Niall chuckled. "Austin didn't do anything. I just wanted to say ya," he playfully hit my shoulder.

"Oh," I mumbled. I asked again, "Are you sure that nothing's wrong? No one usually wants to just see me."

"You're funny," Niall kept on laughing. I stood here awkwardly, waiting for him to finish. I could've sworn he laughed for about seven seconds straight. He clutched onto his tummy and rolled his head back in laughter, grasping for breaths.

He finally stopped and chuckled, "Are you kidding? I always want to see you."

"Yeah, because you're Niall." I shrugged, turning away from him for a second and grabbing my bag. "You always want to make people happy."

"You're funny," Niall said once again, chuckling. He asked, "You got any plans after school?"

"Actually, not really." I answered. I thought about my day today. Did I have any plans? All I was going to do was go home and stay in my room, so I suppose I don't have any plans. I asked him, "Why do you ask?"

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