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"Sweetheart? You still out in the corridor? I thought you'd be in our bedroom by now," Erin's voice interrupted my thoughts, ''Come on, then.''

"Just going inside. I just finished tucking Bella and Joey in, and kissed them goodnight." I said, opening our bedroom door and holding it for her, ''Let's go.''

"Gosh, my day has been so exhausting. I'm sure yours was as well," Erin yawned, taking her shirt off and getting into her pyjamas. "I've got to get up even earlier tomorrow and drive Grace to school."

 I immediately said, ''I could drive her.''

"Really? Harry, thank you so much. You sure it won't be too much work? I mean you have Bella and Joey too, and then you have to go to work," Erin tied her hair up in a ponytail, ''I would really appreciate it if you could, though.''

"It doesn't matter if I'm late for work, I'm the boss there anyway." I chuckled, ''Oh, and it's no bother.''

"Thank you. You're a great help." Erin put on some cream on her face and rubbed it all over, ''I don't know what I'd do without you.''

"I heard Grace is inviting one of her old friends to sleep over next weekend,'' I told her, ''She seemed really happy.''

"Oh, really? Well, I supposed that's good,'' Erin got in bed with me, "I hope she'll be okay at school tomorrow. She always talks about how much she hates it there. You don't think people are mean to her, do you?"

"No, of course not." I answered, "I just think she's still adjusting to the place. It's perfectly normal."

"Well, I definitely hope that's the case,'' Erin sighed. "Grace usually just fits in very well and makes friends very easily. I would hate to think that people are mean to her."

"Don't worry about it. She'll be just fine. I mean, she seems perfectly happy at home,'' I said, ''She's a strong girl. Most kids would complain about all of this, but she's compromising.''

"You're right about that,'' Erin smiled and then laughed, ''But, Grace does complain a lot. You have no idea.''

I chuckled, ''Well, she's a great girl. Bella and Joey love her.''

Erin sighed, "I can't believe she's turning eighteen next month." 

"They grow up fast, don't they? My little girl's turning six." I said sadly. "I don't know how you do it every year, Erin. They just keep getting older and older."

"I know right?'' Erin sighed once more, "Well, I'm exhausted. Goodnight, babe." 

"Goodnight, Erin.''

* * * * * 


"It's Monday. Let me just tell you, I was this close to ditching school today," Austin ranted, ''But then, I remembered that you would be here, and decided not to. Okay, that sounded really weird.''

I chuckled, ''It's fine, Austin. Is Daisy here today?''

"I've got no clue. I guess it's just the two of us today, then." Austin looked up at me with a wide smile. This caused me to tense up, but I still gave him a smile, ''Where are you headed now?''

"Chemistry." I told him, ''I'll see you around.''

"Oh, you have chemistry? Me too," Austin said, following behind me, ''Isn't that awesome?''

I bit the inside of my cheek, ''So awesome.''

After the first few periods, I was pretty tired and needed a break. It was lunch now. I had actually worked hard during those classes, though. I could use a good meal. I wanted some peace and quiet, perhaps some time to myself. However, it didn't exactly happen that way.

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