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I made my way downstairs, excited yet nervous about what's to come. I was supposed to go to work today. My first day at work. I've heard that the first impression's the last impression, so I basically practiced my introduction over ten times last night. I'm Grace and I like tea over coffee because it's tea-licious. 

Oh, dear.

I walked into the kitchen, where I was welcomed to a rather lively sight. Bella and Joey were seated on the table, quietly eating. By the looks of it, Nadia and Harry were in the middle of an argument a few meters away, where it was hard to tell who was winning. 

''I'm trying my best to spend time with them, but I have a game next weekend,'' Harry frowned. ''I don't want them to think their own father doesn't want to spend time with them.''

Nadia sighed. ''Look, you usually leave at nine in the morning and come home late. They need to see you more.''

''You're right,'' Harry said, ''I'll take them wherever they want. Their new bedtime is officially midnight, so I'll take them on late night walks every night.''

I sighed at his words.

''Now, I never said that,'' Nadia chuckled, giving him a slight nudge. ''You're still their father.''

''Well, I'm their friend before I'm their father,'' Harry said, ''Besides, they're only seven and five once. Kids! Your new bedtime is---''

''Harry, you cannot be serious,'' Nadia almost laughed. ''You're totally missing the point.''

Harry sighed confusedly. ''I can never understand women.''

''Morning, Grace,'' The first person who spoke to me was Nadia when she noticed me quietly standing nearby. She smiled, ''How did you sleep?''

''Very well, thank you for asking,'' I asked, ''And you?''

''Great, thanks,'' She answered, ''Take a seat and eat up, then.''

I grabbed a plate and saw that the breakfast was simple, but still one of the most thoughtful gestures I'd received here. ''Thank you very much, Nadia.''

''Are you going to work?'' Harry asked. ''What do you do?''

There was a slight annoyance in his tone, almost as if he felt forced to ask the question. I noticed him glance at Nadia when he asked me the question as if she had lectured him earlier to be as nice as possible. Regardless of the fact that I was an unwanted guest to him, I was still living under his roof and eating the food of his home, so behaving impolitely would be petty, indecent, and unacceptable.

''I'm a writer,'' I smiled, ''I'm actually also planning on looking for an apartment today.''

''Already? It's hardly been a day,'' Nadia frowned. ''You're such a delight to have around.''

''I don't want to disturb anyone,'' I said, ''I feel as if I'm intruding.''

''You're not, dear,'' Nadia smiled. ''You helped with the dishes and cleaned the table right afterward last night. It's a shame you'll be leaving so soon. Since you'll be living nearby, do come and visit often.''

I smiled.

''Morning, Grace,'' Bella said, and she also said something else, but I couldn't quite make it out since she was talking with her mouth full.

I smiled, ''Morning.''

Joey waved at me, ''Hi!''

I chuckled, ''Hey.''

Harry said, "Bella, don't talk with your mouth full, please.''

Bella asked, ''Nadia? Can I talk to you 'bout somethin' later?''

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