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"Harry, that is insane. There's no way that my Mum would be out seeing my Dad," I told him. I didn't believe him, I really didn't. "It's probably just a coincidence that they're both out seeing a friend."

"A coincidence? It is not a coincidence," Harry said, shaking his head and denying it. "It's kind of great, actually."

"Why is it great?" I asked Harry.

"Your Mum gets back together with your Dad, and you and I can finally be together." Harry explained, and I shook my head.

"You're taking this too far, Harry. You're also jumping to conclusions. My Mum isn't going to get back together with my Dad." I said. "Why would she cheat on you?"

"You're missing the point here, Grace. If your Mum and Dad get back together, then maybe they will finally be okay with you and I being together." Harry said.

"They wouldn't be okay with it. And they are not getting back together. My Mum is married and she's not going to cheat on you," I explained.

"You'd be surprised what people can do, Grace." Harry said.

"You're overthinking this, Harry. Even if my Mum and Dad did get back together, they would never approve of you and I. You're an older man, and they would never let me be with you." I said. "We have quite a big age gap and I don't think that they would ever let me be with someone like you."

"Someone like me? What are you even trying to say?" Harry asked, repeating my words. "Age is just a number, Grace."

"Yes, Harry. And jail is just a place." I mumbled, refusing to listen to any more of what he has to say.

"If your mother gets back together with your father then the chances of us getting together would be more likely. Don't you agree with that?" Harry tried to convince me, but it just wasn't working. "Your Mum might be okay with it because she knows me, and what if we told her that we love each other?"

"Love each other? Yeah, like she's going to believe that." I said, laughing and spitting out his words dryly. "If you were a little younger, she might have believed it but she's never going to believe that you have feelings for me."

"Well, I'm sorry that I was born too soon." Harry said, rolling his eyes at me. "Why do you have to complain about the things I can't control, like my age? I don't go around saying that I wish you were older, or that you're too young."

"It's not my fault I was born too late," I mumbled, huffing and crossing my arms over my chest. "Gosh, Harry! Can't you just listen to me for once? It's not going to work. We're not going to work."

"You're doing that thing again where you act like a child," Harry said. "You like to brag about being an adult so much but when it comes to behaving like one, you turn into a little girl."

"Can you stop turning everything into an argument and actually focus for once? I am trying to figure out how we can fix this, but all you're doing is complaining about how I'm childish and what not." I mumbled.

"No, Grace. You're not trying to figure about how we can fix this. You don't even have faith is us," Harry said, raising his voice. "You don't believe in us. You think that we can't work this out and you're willing to let us go so easily. I'm the only one in this relationship that is actually trying to find a way for us to be together. I don't care if my ideas seem stupid or if my assumptions may be incorrect. At least I'm trying."

"Are you trying to say that I'm not trying?" I asked him, scoffing. "Harry, I'm trying to make this work just as much as you are. Except, I'm actually being realistic and looking at the situations. You're never realistic, you just come up with idiotic plans that will never work. Whereas I am the one who is the realist in this relationship and actually has to make you think twice."

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