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"Christmas is almost coming, are you excited?" Gracie asked me. She was sat down, playing with her friend Livia with her dad sitting next to the two of them. "Have you started your shopping?"

"Well, not really." I answered honestly. "But of course I am excited. I mean, your birthday's almost coming soon, isn't it?"

"That's not until a long time," Gracie answered, handing a Barbie doll to Livia, obviously not too interested in the topic of her birthday. "It's on the second."

"That's not too far away, you know." I told her. "You're lucky your birthday's near Christmas. You get twice as many presents."

"I suppose that is a good thing. As a kid I used to save all my birthday presents and open them the same day as Christmas just to make people jealous," she giggled. Gracie smiled down at Livia and said, "You're doing great, sweetie."

"Alrighty, Livia. I think we've played enough with Grace. How about we go back home now?" The man who oddly looked like Grace suggested to his daughter, "It's getting late."

"Okay," Livia responded casually. She leaned in to hug Gracie and stood up. "Thanks for playing with me, Grace. By the way, your dog is so cute!"

"Isn't she?" Grace gently pet Lacey and gave her a butterfly kiss before saying and winking at her, "No problem. Remember to take care of your bunny."

"Hey, Grace?" Livia's dad asked. Every time he would talk, he would talk like Gracie, he reminded me a lot of Gracie. His facial features, his eyes, his nose. Not just that, but also the way he talked and did things and acted. What was even stranger was that his daughter Livia literally was almost identical to Gracie. He proceeded, "You know, I was thinking. Somewhere around Christmas time, our two families could have a nice dinner together."

"Really?" Grace asked. It wasn't a bad suggestion at all. The man was not a stranger anymore. Grace, especially, had gotten a lot closer with the two. "I think that's a great idea, I'll have to ask my Mum. I'm sure she'll love it too."

"Yay, I'm excited!" Livia jumped up and down. Her excitement reminded me of my own two children. She cheered, "I can't wait to see you soon, Grace."

"Me too, Livy." Gracie blew a kiss to the little girl before looking up at the familiar man, "I'll talk to my Mum about it. I'm sure she'll be fine with it."

"You know, if you want. I can talk to your Mum myself. One day, we can meet up and talk about it. I'd love to meet your Mum." Dylan answered.

"Great! See you then." Grace smiled at them. They both said their goodbyes. She waved once more at Livy and watched the them leave. She sat back down next to me, "That was fun!"

I smiled, "You really like that little girl, don't you?"

"Of course," Grace smiled, "She's very sweet. This may sound strange but she reminds me of myself when I was her age. She seems to be just as adventurous and playful as I was. Not to mention the fact that she is deeply attached to that Bunny, the same way I was with Snowy."

I nodded, "She does resemble you. Quite a bit."

"Really?" Grace shrugged, "I suppose so. Anyways, how've you been?"

Just the fact that she had asked that question made me say a little bit better. Just a little bit. Knowing she cared. I trailed off, "I've been just fine, thank you for asking. However, I would be better if someone gave me a kiss."

"Oh, is that so?" Grace smirked, Lacey still in her arms. "Well, just a peck. Alright?"

"Alright, baby,"

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