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This was it, my mother had made her decision.

I was all alone in my room, and I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face, and I let it all out.

This was all my fault, everything was my fault.

Now everything's ruined because of me. I roughly tied my hair up into the bun and anxiously bit my lip, trying to think about what was going to happen next.

My Mum said that we would be away for a while. But what if she decides to never come back? I don't know how I'd be able to live without Harry.

Earlier, I could see how hurt Harry was because of all this. I could hear the pain in his voice and see it in his eyes. Just the sight of him broken like that makes my heart ache, and knowing I'm the reason for it makes me feel worse.

Sometimes when you are taken away from certain things in life, it is then when you realize how important they really are to you.

Harry and I might not ever see each other again. I hate admitting it. A part of me hopes that things will work out but this is my mother we're talking about, it's almost impossible.

My lips quivered and I couldn't take it anymore. I buried my head in my face and let the tears stream down my face.

I heard a knock on my door. Quickly, I fixed myself up, even though there was no point. I mumbled, "Come in."

The door opened and there stood my Mum. Nervously, I avoided to look her in the eye. She sighed, "Grace, why are you crying?"

"I don't want to leave." I sniffed, hiding my head in my knees.

"Grace," Mum shook her head and sat next to me. I slightly moved away from her and she sighed again, "I'm sorry, honey. But we have to leave."

"No, Mum. We don't have to," I whispered, facing her completely. "Why don't you believe me? Harry didn't do anything to me."

"I want to believe you and a part of me does, but then there's the picture, and just the fact that you two lied.. I'm sorry, Grace." Mum shook her head and continued, "Grace, I want to know.. why did you lie to me about where you were going? What happened on that night? You can tell me."

"Mum, nothing happened." I felt my eyes start to water again. "We were just spending some quality time together. Please, Mum. Please don't make us leave."

"That doesn't explain why you lied. If you were spending some quality time together then why couldn't you have just told me? I wouldn't mind." Mum whispered in disbelief. "See what I mean? It doesn't add up, which is why I have to do this. And Grace, I want to know why you lied."

"I.. I don't know." I fumbled on my words. "I just thought you would maybe find it weird. But I swear, Harry didn't even touch me. You've known Harry for so long, Mum. Do you really think he could do something like that?"

"You're right, I have known him for a long time. Sometimes people can surprise you, Grace." She said, and I shook my head and mentally cursed. "I want to believe he didn't do anything, but he was always so secretive."

"How can you believe Samantha and not me or Harry, people you actually know?" I asked her. "You know about Samantha, she hates Harry. She's trying to ruin Harry's life and you're giving her what she wants!"

"Grace, don't yell." Mum hushed. "I know she's trying to ruin Harry's life, but what choice do I have? Everything makes sense now."

"Mum, no." I whimpered, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Harry needs us. He's going to be on his own. Please don't do this."

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