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"Harry, I don't understand this! I don't understand.. you!" Erin exclaimed. Clearly, she was feeling many things at once. She asked, "What have I done to make you feel this way? Why do you feel this way? If you don't tell me, I'm going to think the worst possible thing. There is someone else, isn't there?"

If your daughter counts then there is someone else, Erin. I cleared my throat and spoke calmly, "Erin, please. Relax-"

"I cannot relax, Harry. This is a one-sided thing. I do not feel the same way, only you do. Could you please elaborate? I really need to know the reason," Erin demanded.

"The reason is just that.. I don't feel that we're right for each other anymore." I answered, and it was partly true.

"You don't love me anymore?" Erin asked, wide eyes and parted lips. Her eyes showed a hint of pain, as water started to clog together in them.

"I.. I do not love you anymore." I stated. Why did I say that? I shouldn't have said that. At least I'm not lying. Is it wrong that I feel guilty? I saw the look on her face, and it made me feel worse.

"I.. I don't understand. Y-You don't love me anymore? How long have you been feeling this way? What have I.. done? Why am I not good enough for you?" Erin asked a bunch of questions at once.

I realized, I might as well tell her the truth with a little bit of a twist or change. I'll embellish the truth. I slowly spoke, "I've.. been feeling this way for a while. I believe that we are not right for each other anymore. I am sorry, Erin."

"What did I do to make you.. feel this way, Harry?" Erin asked, looking down at the ground.

"You.. didn't do anything. It's all me. I hope you understand-"

"No, Harry. I don't understand. You're saying you don't love me anymore. I don't understand! You're not being specific enough. I thought you were happy with me, I thought you loved me." Erin said.

"Erin, I.. I'm sorry."

"Harry, we haven't even been married for that long. We are just getting started. We have barely begun. You want to end it all just like that?" Erin asked, running her hands through her blonde locks.

"It's how I feel. Why are you forcing me into this?" I asked.

"How could you possibly believe that I am forcing you? I just want answers! If it's how you feel, then fine. But I want to know the reason, I want all the answers!" Erin raised her voice.

"How many more times do I have to give you a reason? I don't love you anymore! That is literally why I don't want to be with you." I said. "What part of 'I don't love you anymore' do you not understand?"

Erin's lips parted only slighted at my words, and the expression on her face showed hurt and fear. She took a deep breath and fixed her hair. She opened her mouth to speak and hesitantly spat, "You know what, Harry? Fine. You don't have to me with me if you don't want to but I thought you were better than this."

"I just don't love you anymore," I spoke nothing but the truth.

"Who is she, hm?" Erin asked, crossing her arms across her chest as she squinted her eyes. "Who's the girl?"

"Do you really think there has to be another girl? I'm not allowed to just stop.. loving you?" I asked, shaking my head confusedly.

"The only way you could stop loving me is if there is someone else in the picture," She explained.

"So everything just has to revolve around some other girl? Am I not allowed to just not feel a connection anymore? Does it have to be someone else?" I narrowed my eyes.

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